Dental care seems straightforward. And certainly there are some established guidelines; brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits are standard protocol. But if you want to give your child the best possible oral health, there are a few unexpected tips that you should know. Of course, along with dental care at home, it is important to find a great pediatric dentist in Overland Park, KS.
At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and Dr. Craven are passionate about giving children a solid foundation for lifelong oral health. Preventive care is our focus, including exams and cleanings, as well as patient and parent education. But when problems do arise, we are ready to address them with low-stress, kid-friendly treatments.
For more tips about dental care to to schedule your appointment with a pediatric dentist in Overland Park, KS, contact our office today.
1. Oral Care Should Begin Even Before Your Child Has Teeth!
Even before your child has teeth, oral bacteria can still build up in the mouth, feeding off of the starches in breast milk or formula. Since you won’t always know that a tooth is erupting, it’s a good idea to start cleaning your baby’s gums at a very young age. This will also acclimate your child to oral care and may make tooth brushing easier in the long run.
To clean your infant’s gums, simply wipe them down with a soft cloth or piece of gauze.
2. Start Dental Visits Early On
Just as oral care should begin much earlier than you might expect, so should dental visits. The American Dental Association recommends that children have their first dental visits soon after their first tooth comes in and no later than their first birthdays. Even if your child hasn’t started teething by twelve months, you should schedule an appointment.
Your pediatric dentist in Overland Park, KS, believes so firmly in the importance of early dental visits that we offer free exams and cleanings for children under age 2.
3. Have Your Child Brush Before Breakfast
Brushing first thing in the morning will remove the bacteria that build up overnight. It may also help to protect teeth against acid in breakfast foods, and it can promote saliva production.
If your after-breakfast brushing routine is set, wait at least 30 minutes after eating to keep from rubbing food particles into your child’s tooth enamel.
4. Use Fluoride Toothpaste from a Young Age
Many children’s toothpastes carry labels proudly proclaiming, “Fluoride Free!” But in reality, it’s better to use fluoride toothpaste from the outset. Fluoride helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent decay. Just be sure to use the right amount for your child’s age, and there is no reason to worry.
5. Beware of “Healthy” Drinks
A lot of drinks marketed as healthy products are actually full of sugar, either added or naturally occurring. Even no-sugar-added juice can be harmful to children’s teeth. The best choices are water and milk. If your child insists on having juice, limit it appropriately and dilute it with water, if possible.
Contact a Pediatric Dentist in Overland Park, KS, Today
For more tips for a healthy smile, contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids Today.
Reach us online or call us at (913) 685-9990.