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Hello, parents and little fruit lovers! Did you know that some of your favorite tropical fruits can actually help keep your teeth healthy and strong? That’s right! These delicious, juicy treats are not only a fun addition to your snack time but also pack a punch when it comes to dental health. Here, our pediatric dentists in Overland Park dive into the wonderful world of tropical fruits and discover how they can benefit those precious pearly whites!

Pineapple: The Plaque Buster

Pineapple isn’t just a sweet treat; it’s a superhero for your teeth! This tropical fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain, which acts like a natural toothbrush, breaking down plaque and keeping your child’s teeth clean. Plus, pineapples are loaded with vitamin C, which is essential for healthy gums. So, the next time you enjoy a tropical smoothie or a pineapple slice, remember that you’re giving your teeth a helping hand.

Fun Tip: Try making a pineapple and yogurt parfait. Layer chunks of pineapple with yogurt and a sprinkle of granola for a tasty and tooth-friendly snack!

Kiwi: The Mighty Vitamin C Boost

Kiwi may be small, but it’s mighty when it comes to dental health. Packed with vitamin C, kiwi helps maintain healthy gums and prevents gum disease. This fuzzy little fruit is also a good source of calcium, which is vital for strong teeth. So, slicing up a kiwi for your child’s lunchbox is a great way to give their teeth a nutritious boost.

Fun Tip: Make kiwi popsicles! Blend kiwi with a bit of water or juice, pour into molds, and freeze. It’s a fun, refreshing treat that’s good for their teeth.

Guava: The Gum Guardian

Guava is a tropical treasure rich in vitamin C. Its astringent properties help tighten gums and reduce inflammation, making it a fantastic fruit for gum health. Some cultures even chew guava leaves to control plaque and maintain oral hygiene. While that might be a bit adventurous, incorporating guava into your child’s diet is a great way to promote healthy gums.

Fun Tip: Create a colorful fruit salad with guava, pineapple, and kiwi. Add a squeeze of lime for extra zing, and you’ve got a delicious, gum-friendly dish.

Papaya: The Plaque Fighter

Papaya, another tropical delight, contains an enzyme called papain, which helps break down proteins and reduce plaque formation. It’s also rich in vitamin C, supporting overall oral health. Adding papaya to your child’s snack time not only satisfies their sweet tooth but also helps keep their teeth clean.

Fun Tip: Whip up a tropical fruit salsa with diced papaya, mango, and a touch of lime juice. It’s a great topping for grilled chicken or fish, adding a burst of flavor and health benefits.

Mango: The Vitamin-Rich Powerhouse

Mangoes are not just tasty; they’re packed with vitamins that are good for your child’s teeth. High in vitamin C and calcium, mangoes help maintain strong teeth and healthy gums. However, since they are also high in natural sugars, it’s important to rinse your mouth with water after enjoying this juicy fruit to prevent sugar from sticking to your teeth.

Fun Tip: Make a mango smoothie by blending fresh mango with a splash of milk or yogurt. It’s a creamy, dreamy way to enjoy the benefits of this vitamin-rich fruit.

Banana: The Gentle Giant

Bananas are a favorite among kids, and for good reason! They are rich in potassium, magnesium, and manganese, all of which are important for maintaining strong teeth. Plus, bananas are low in acidity, which means they won’t harm the enamel on your child’s teeth.

Fun Tip: Slice bananas and top with a bit of peanut butter for a satisfying, tooth-friendly snack. You can even add a sprinkle of granola for extra crunch.

Coconut: The All-Rounder

Coconut is a versatile fruit that offers several benefits for oral health. Coconut water has antibacterial properties that can help reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. And if you’ve heard of oil pulling, you know that swishing coconut oil in your mouth can help reduce plaque and bacteria.

Fun Tip: Serve coconut water as a refreshing drink, or add shredded coconut to yogurt or cereal for a tropical twist.

More Tropical Fruit Tips From Our Overland Park, KS, Dentists

While these tropical fruits are fantastic for dental health, it’s essential to consume them in moderation and maintain good oral hygiene practices. After eating fruits high in natural sugars and acids, encourage your child to rinse their mouth with water. This simple step helps wash away any residue and protects their teeth from potential damage.

Need more personalized dental health tips for your little one? Call our trusted and experienced pediatric dentists in Overland Park today at (913) 685-9990 today!

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
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Hey parents! The Fourth of July is just around the corner, and we all know what that means – fireworks, fun, and lots of food! While it’s a time for celebration and making memories with your little ones, it’s also important to keep their dental health in mind. Here are some friendly tips from our pediatric dentist in Overland Park KS, to ensure your family’s smiles stay bright and healthy throughout the festivities.

1. Choose Smart Snacks

The Fourth of July is notorious for sugary treats and sticky snacks that can wreak havoc on teeth. Instead of loading up on candies and cookies, opt for mouth-friendly alternatives like:

  • Fresh Fruits: Watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries are not only festive but also great for hydration and teeth.
  • Cheese and Yogurt: These calcium-rich snacks help strengthen teeth and provide essential nutrients.
  • Nuts: Almonds and walnuts are packed with healthy fats and protein, making them a great alternative to chips and pretzels.

Remember, moderation is key! If your kids do indulge in sweets, encourage them to drink water afterward to help rinse away sugar.

2. Stay Hydrated

Speaking of water, staying hydrated is crucial, especially during those hot July days. Drinking plenty of water not only keeps your kids cool but also helps wash away food particles and bacteria that can lead to cavities. Consider carrying a water bottle for each family member to ensure everyone stays hydrated throughout the day.

3. Be Careful with Beverages

While soda and sugary drinks are often a staple at holiday gatherings, they can be detrimental to your child’s teeth. Instead, offer water, milk, or 100% fruit juices in moderation. If your little ones do have a sugary drink, encourage them to use a straw to minimize contact with their teeth.

4. Plan Activities That Promote Oral Health

Why not incorporate some fun activities that also promote oral health? Here are a few ideas:

  • Watermelon Eating Contest: Watermelon is a great, hydrating fruit that’s gentle on teeth.
  • Tooth-Friendly Dessert Decorating: Set up a station with yogurt, fresh fruits, and nuts where kids can create their own healthy desserts.
  • Craft Time: Create a tooth-brushing chart with stickers that kids can use to track their brushing habits leading up to and after the holiday.

5. Watch Out for Sticky Situations

Sticky foods like caramel, gummy candies, and even some dried fruits can cling to teeth and increase the risk of cavities. If your kids enjoy these treats, encourage them to brush and floss soon after eating to remove any sticky residue.

6. Pack Dental Essentials

If you’re heading out for a day of festivities, pack a small dental kit. Include travel-sized toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and a bottle of water. Having these essentials on hand makes it easier to stick to good oral hygiene practices, even when you’re not at home.

7. Educate and Involve Your Kids

Kids are more likely to take care of their teeth if they understand why it’s important. Take some time to explain how different foods and drinks affect their teeth and involve them in making healthier choices. Turn it into a fun learning experience by exploring the science behind cavities and the benefits of good oral hygiene.

8. Schedule a Post-Holiday Check-Up With Our Pediatric Dentist in Overland Park KS

Finally, consider scheduling a dental check-up with our pediatric dentst in Overland Park KS after the holiday. It’s a great way to ensure your child’s teeth are healthy and to address any potential issues that may have arisen from the festivities. Call or text (913) 685-9990.

With these tips, you can enjoy a fun and festive Fourth of July while keeping those little smiles bright and healthy. Happy Independence Day!

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
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Happy Valentine’s Day to all of our patients and families! We hope you enjoy this special day and know how truly valued you are by everyone here at Smiles Dentistry for Kids. Celebrating love is important for people of all ages, and we want our kids to enjoy the holiday. But following a few simple tips can minimize the effects of sugar and help your child enjoy a bright and healthy smile. 

Dr. Matt, Dr. Craven, and the whole team at our Overland Park, KS, office believe in the importance of patient education. By instilling good habits at a young age, we can help your child enjoy a healthy smile for life. It’s just one way that we hope to express our love for our patients. 

To learn more about good oral habits or to schedule an appointment for your child, contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids today.

Show Your Teeth Some Love

Of course, good dental hygiene is not just for Valentine’s Day. But if your child doesn’t already have good habits established, today is a great day to start. Share with your child the importance of self-love and self-care!

Just like adults, children should be brushing their teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Children under three should be using a drop of toothpaste about the size of a grain of rice, while older kids should be using a pea-sized amount. 

Flossing is also important. Make sure your child knows the correct flossing method. Being too aggressive or snapping the floss against the gums could damage the soft tissues. 

Choose Chocolate with Care

Of course, it wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day without some chocolate! But did you know that some types of chocolate are healthier than others? Dark chocolate is rich in flavanols, a type of antioxidant that can protect against heart disease and diabetes. It is also much lower in sugar than milk chocolate, meaning it is less likely to cause tooth decay.

Drink Lots of Water

We recognize that most kids will prefer milk chocolate or fruit-flavored candies to the relatively bitter taste of dark chocolate. And we firmly believe that occasional treats are totally appropriate and even necessary. In addition to eating sweets in moderation, encourage your child to stay hydrated. This can have benefits for nearly every aspect of your child’s health. It can also help to wash away food particles and sugar after enjoying those red velvet cupcakes and heart-shaped candies. 

Give a Shout-Out to Your Dentist 

This Valentine’s Day, why not ask Dr. Matt or Dr. Craven to “be mine” – my pediatric dentist that is! If your child is currently without a dental provider or it’s been a while since their last visit, take some time to reach out to our office and schedule an appointment. Along with routine brushing and flossing, regular dental visits are one of the best ways to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. And when your little one has good childhood dental health, they are much less likely to experience oral problems as an adult. 

Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids This Valentine’s Day

To learn more about dental health or to schedule an appointment, contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids online. You can also call us at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
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With school back in session, you’re trying to get into the routine of a new year. One challenge is packing a healthy lunch that your kid will actually eat! Fortunately, foods that will give your child lasting energy for the school day are beneficial for nearly every aspect of their health, including their dental wellness. In this post, your pediatric dentist gives some lunch box suggestions for every palate. 

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids in Overland Park, KS, Dr. Matt and his team offer complete dental services for children of all ages. We are committed to laying a foundation for lifelong oral health, not only through preventive care and treatment, but also through patient and parent education. 

To learn more about the connection between diet and dental health, or to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist, contact our office today.

For the Kid Who Wants a Classic Lunch

Maybe your child is a bit of a picky eater, or maybe he wants a lunch that just won’t “stand out.” Either way, a classic peanut butter sandwich can be both nutritious and good for his teeth! The polyunsaturated fats in peanut butter are known to be anti-inflammatory and, according to one study, may actually help to prevent gum disease.

To maximize the benefits of peanut butter, choose varieties with no added sugar, and serve peanut butter on whole grain bread. Avoid jelly, which is essentially pure sugar. Instead serve peanut butter solo or add some slices of fruit.

For the Sophisticated Palate

If you’ve got an older child or one who just has mature tastes, pack a yummy spinach salad, loaded up with all the goodies. Like all leafy greens, spinach is high in calcium, which helps to strengthen bones and teeth. It also has plenty of folic acid and B vitamins to help combat gum disease. 

On top of the greens, try some grilled or smoked salmon, which, like peanut butter, is high in polyunsaturated fats. Add some shiitake mushrooms, high in lentinan, which can help prevent cavities. 

For the Snacker

If your child tends to graze throughout the day, packing a good lunch can be especially challenging. Fortunately, although you can’t change the school schedule, your pediatric dentist can still recommend a nutritious meal that will appeal to your little one. Try a kid-friendly charcuterie board. Cheese is not only high in teeth-strengthening calcium. It can also help to prevent demineralization and stimulate saliva flow. Pair the cheese with some whole-grain crackers. Finally, add fiber-rich apple slices and carrot sticks. With their crunchy texture, both can help to remove food particles from teeth.

And for Everyone…

Of course, all kids need a drink in their lunch and, no matter what their palate, this one’s a no-brainer. As any pediatric dentist will tell you, avoid juice boxes in favor of water. Although juice might seem a healthy choice, it is full of sugar, which will linger on teeth for the rest of the school day. In contrast, water helps to flush away bacteria and food particles to combat tooth decay and gum disease. 

Contact Your Pediatric Dentist Today

For more dietary guidance or to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist, contact our office. Reach out online or give us a call at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
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It may be the height of summer, but the new school year is coming up fast! The comparatively leisurely days of vacation will give way to the packed schedule of the academic year. That’s why the summer is the perfect time to adopt healthy dental habits. And finding a great dentist in Overland Park can help your family’s teeth stay healthy whatever the time of year!

Dr. Matt and the team at Smiles Dentistry for Kids are committed to helping your kids enjoy a lifetime of oral health. From education to cleanings, extractions to restorative care, we are ready to provide gentle, compassionate treatment. By focusing exclusively on pediatric dentistry, we know how to reach kids and convince them of the importance of good oral health. 

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Matt, contact our office today.

1. Daily Brushing and Flossing

When he’s rushing out the door to catch the bus, tooth brushing is likely the last thing on your child’s mind. During the summer, help your kids stick to the schedule by brushing their teeth before breakfast. Plus, brushing first thing can actually help to protect teeth from the acids in their first meal of the day.

2. Drinking More Water

In addition to keeping your body functioning at its best, water helps to flush away bacteria, acids, and food particles. Of course, milk is also important, especially for young children. But soda and juice should be an occasional treat, rather than a daily staple.

3. Eating a Nutritious Diet

Summer is the ideal season to amp up your family’s eating habits. Fresh fruits and vegetables are at their peak, farmer’s markets are packed with seasonal goodies, and there is time for your kids to take an active role in meal planning and prep. 

Although it’s important to limit sugars, a healthy diet is not about denying your kids treats. Rather, incorporating a variety of foods will ensure that they are getting the proper nutrients to nourish their growing bodies and strengthen their tooth enamel. 

4. Quitting Nail Biting, Pencil Chewing, Etc.

Using teeth to bite anything other than food can cause dental misalignment and chipped teeth. And it can increase the risk of infection and illness as bacteria pass from the hands to the mouth. 

Studies suggest that more than 80% of nail biters also struggle with a psychiatric condition, such as ADHD or obsessive compulsive disorder. Dr. Matt can work with you and your child’s healthcare team to help stop this habit. 

5. Wearing a Sports Mouthguard

If your child is planning to play any contact sports in the fall, it’s important to get fitted for a mouthguard now. According to the American Dental Association,athletes who don’t wear mouthguards are more than two times as likely to suffer an oral injury.

Be sure to visit a dentist for your child’s mouthguard. Prefabricated appliances are less effective and could even inhibit breathing and athletic performance. 

Contact Your Pediatric Dentist in Overland Park

As you get ready to go back to school, don’t forget to schedule your child’s exams and cleanings. Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids online or call (913) 685-9990 to schedule an appointment.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Being a new parent is exciting! But, it can often be challenging. Amidst the joys and responsibilities of parenthood, it’s essential not to overlook your baby’s oral health. Developing good dental habits early on can set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. That’s why our pediatric dentist in Overland Park, KS, is here to help (read more about Dr. Matt here!). 

Is it time to take your little one to visit the dentist? Schedule an appointment with our top-rated pediatric dentist at Smiles Dentistry for Kids by calling (913) 685-9990 now!

Pediatric dentists understand the importance of oral care in infancy and early childhood. In this blog post, we share valuable tips to help new parents ensure that their little ones maintain optimal oral health.

Start Oral Care Early

Many parents hear that oral care should start once their child’s first tooth emerges, but it should actually start before then. After feeding, gently wipe your baby’s gums with a clean, damp cloth or a soft infant toothbrush. This helps remove bacteria and establish a routine that promotes good oral hygiene.

Introduce Fluoride

Fluoride is crucial for developing strong teeth. The mineral binds with calcium and phosphates to form fluorapatite, which helps rebuild weakened tooth enamel. Once your baby’s first tooth appears, consult with your pediatric dentist about starting fluoride supplementation

Monitor Feeding Practices

Avoid putting your baby to bed with a bottle. High-sugar liquids (like breastmilk, formula, or juice) can lead to infant tooth decay, known as “baby bottle tooth decay.” 

Establish a Dental Home

Choosing a pediatric dentist for your child is vital. Start early by scheduling the first dental visit around your baby’s first birthday or when the first tooth begins to appear. A pediatric dentist specializes in infant and child dental care, ensuring a positive experience and offering valuable guidance for parents.

Practice Healthy Feeding Habits

As your baby transitions to solid foods, make nutritious choices that promote dental health, such as:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Healthy fats, like avocados and dairy products
  • Whole grains
  • Lean proteins

Be sure to introduce a variety of textures and flavors to encourage chewing and jaw development.

Encourage Good Oral Hygiene Habits

As your child grows, encourage independent brushing. Supervise their brushing technique until they can do it effectively on their own using small, circular motions across all tooth surfaces for at least two minutes.

Limit Pacifier Use

Pacifiers can provide comfort, but prolonged use may impact dental development. Limit pacifier use after six months to avoid potential oral issues, like misaligned teeth or bite problems.

Avoid Sharing Utensils or Cleaning Pacifiers With Your Mouth

Bacteria in your mouth can transfer to your baby, increasing the risk of tooth decay. So, avoid sharing utensils, cups, or cleaning pacifiers with your mouth (use clean water instead). 

Lead by Example

Let your children witness your commitment to oral health by maintaining your own dental hygiene routine. Brush and floss regularly, visit the dentist for routine check-ups, and prioritize a healthy diet

Pediatric Dentist in Overland Park, KS

As a new parent, you play a pivotal role in your child’s oral health journey. By following these tips, you can help your little one develop healthy habits that last a lifetime

Start your child’s journey toward healthier teeth and gums by scheduling an appointment at Smiles Dentistry for Kids in Overland Park, KS. Simply request appointments with our pediatric dentist here or at (913) 685-9990!

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
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The lights are shining, and the tree is aglow. But nothing lights up your holiday like your child’s smile. With Christmas approaching, you may worry about that beautiful grin being compromised by the many indulgences the season brings. Fortunately, following a few simple tips this week can help to ensure a dental smile to ring in the new year.

Dr. Matt and his team at Smiles Dentistry for Kids are always happy to answer your questions about dental care. Our Overland Park, KS, office offers complete dental services specifically for pediatric patients. And we take pride in ensuring that each patient enjoys a bright and healthy dental smile.

Contact us today for more dental health tips or to schedule your appointment. And of course, from our office family to yours – Merry Christmas!

1. Go Easy on the Candy

It’s no secret that candy is one of the worst offenders when it comes to oral health. Sugar and other refined carbs stick to teeth, providing a veritable buffet for hungry oral bacteria. As the microbes build up, they contribute to the development of plaque and tartar, which will erode dental enamel and create a cavity.

Candy is an essential part of any good Christmas stocking. And you don’t want to be labeled a total Grinch. You can still allow your kids to enjoy some yummy treats. Just be sure that they do so in moderation and that they brush their teeth afterwards. 

You should also keep in mind that certain candies are more detrimental than others. Sticky candies like caramels keep sugar in contact with teeth much longer, as do hard candies that melt in the mouth.

2. Include Some Tooth-Healthy Foods on the Menu

Instead of focusing on what to limit, think about what you can add to your Christmas table. Fortunately, some perennial kid favorites have great benefits for a dental smile. For instance, cheese is rich in calcium and protein, both important nutrients for tooth health. Lean meats also offer protein, as well as iron for improved tooth and gum health. 

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Your child can still enjoy a mug of hot chocolate, but make sure that your whole family is drinking water throughout the day. Of course, this will keep you hydrated, but it will also help to prevent tooth decay. Water flushes away oral bacteria and food particles, so it is especially beneficial after eating. 

4. Don’t Neglect Regular Dental Care

Christmas week is a whirlwind of activity. Nights can be especially busy, between parties, church services, and family gatherings. Just be sure that you still take the time tothat your child is brushing and flossing properly.

5. Prevent Sports Accidents 

Many family gatherings include a rousing game of football or other sports after dinner. Whenever your child is playing contact sports, a mouthguard is always a good idea. One large scale study found that the rate of oral injury among athletes who wear mouth guards was five times lower than among athletes who did not wear them

Schedule an Appointment to Maintain Your Child’s Dental Smile 

Give your child the gift of dental health this Christmas. Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids to schedule an appointment. 

Complete our online form or call us at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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When you’ve had a hard day, nothing beats the sight of your child’s smile. So when it comes to routine oral care for kids, you naturally want the very best. But what exactly does that look like? 

Children’s dental care looks very much like adult oral hygiene. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we can provide tips to improve your whole family’s dental care. And, of course, Dr. Matt also provides regular preventive services specifically for young patients. 

To learn more about children’s dental care or to schedule a routine visit for your child, contact our Overland Park, KS, office today.

Daily Brushing and Flossing 

Good daily care is the foundation of oral health. Twice daily brushing and once daily flossing can keep bacteria, plaque, and tartar at bay. Since these are the substances responsible for cavities, good maintenance can lay a foundation for a lifelong healthy smile. 

You may be surprised to learn just how early brushing and flossing should begin. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends wiping down baby’s gums with a soft cloth even before any teeth come in. Once teeth erupt, parents should use a soft-bristled brush and a tiny amount of toothpaste to brush baby’s teeth twice a day. 

Good Hygiene Modeled at Home

As a parent, you know that kids watch everything and try to copy whatever they see, especially in the early years. That is why it is so important that your children see you maintaining good dental care for yourself. From a young age, let them see you brushing and flossing. And when they get old enough to do it themselves, try brushing together as you teach them proper technique. 

Not sure what the proper technique actually is? The American Dental Association has a whole guide

A Healthy Diet

While removing oral bacteria is vital, what kids put into their mouths is also important! Too much sugar not only makes for a crazed kid; it also increases the risk of tooth decay. And refined sugar is not the only culprit. All simple starches, including white bread, rice, and fruit juice, provide oral bacteria with easy energy sources. 

For optimal oral health, limit sugars and starches. Instead, encourage kids to reach for lean proteins, calcium-rich cheese and yogurt, vegetables, nuts, apples, and pears. It’s also important to drink water during and after meals, as this can help to flush away food particles. 

Here is another instance of kids imitating what they see. If you make a habit of reaching for the healthy stuff, chances are your kids will, too!

Biannual Dental Visits

Finally, it is essential to visit the dentist twice a year. Biannual appointments allow a dentist to clean a child’s teeth, check for decay, and look for any problems with dental development. Often, early intervention can prevent serious functional or orthodontic problems later down the line.

Again, you may be surprised at how early this should start. In fact, babies should visit the dentist once their first teeth come in or no later than their first birthdays

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we focus exclusively on pediatric care. We offer gentle, stress-free exams and cleanings. And we are ready to address any issues with equally compassionate, child-centered treatment.

Contact Us for Gentle Routine Oral Care for Kids

Protect your greatest treasure – your child’s smile! Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids today. 

You can make an appointment online or call us at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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You give your child a variety of fruits and vegetables, and maybe even a multivitamin, to ensure that he or she is getting all necessary nutrients. But if your child is not getting enough fluoride, they could be at risk for a lifetime of cavities and other dental problems. As part of your child’s dental care, be sure to schedule fluoride treatments and ensure adequate intake of fluoride at home

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and his team specialize in dental care for the youngest patients. By offering fluoride and other treatments, we can help set your child up for a lifelong healthy smile

To schedule a fluoride treatment, routine cleaning, or other dental care, contact our office today.

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a mineral. Found naturally in rocks, it gets into the soil and water. In developing teeth, fluoride helps to strengthen dental enamel, the outer protective layer. Once teeth come in, fluoride repairs weakened teeth and restores worn enamel. Because of this, it has an important role in the prevention of dental decay.

Daily Sources of Fluoride

Fluoride is naturally found in almost all water, but it is not enough to prevent cavities. To supplement, most city water has added fluoride. Over 75% of the US population now has fluoride-supplemented water. This has led experts to declare fluoridation one of the top health innovations of the 20th century. Indeed, since the introduction of community water fluoridation, the rate of dental cavities has dropped by 18 to 40%.


Foods and beverages prepared with tap water contain trace amounts of fluoride. The levels of fluoride in breastmilk are so low that they cannot usually be detected. Some infant formulas have low levels of fluoride (though this does not include the fluoride in water used to prepare the formula). There is no fluoride in most bottled water. 


To further increase general fluoride intake, most toothpastes contain this important mineral. Some people are concerned about ingesting too much fluoride, but if you use toothpaste according to instructions, it is completely safe. (It is for this reason that you should only use a drop of toothpaste the size of a grain of rice when brushing your baby’s teeth.)

Fluoride Treatments at the Dentist 

To provide additional protection, Dr. Matt also offers fluoride treatments. These are especially important for young children and teens, whose baby and permanent teeth are still coming in. Dr. Matt or a member of his team will apply a fluoride rinse or varnish to your child’s teeth. Properly administered, there is no risk of overexposure to fluoride, and the treatment has no side effects. At the same time, it can have tremendous benefits by dramatically reducing your child’s risk for dental decay. 

Contact Us for Pediatric Care

To learn more about fluoride treatments and our other preventive dental care, contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids. Request an appointment online or call us at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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With the kids headed back to school, it seems like life has never been busier. But with everything going on, don’t let your child’s oral health go unprotected. In fact, the beginning of the new school year can be a great time to establish healthy new habits and make a visit to your local dental office

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we specialize in pediatric dental care. Whether your child is headed to school for the first time, or he is a veteran of the back to school routine, Dr. Matt and his team can help him enjoy a healthy smile.

Contact us to book an appointment for one child or for all your kiddos! 

Establish a healthy routine. 

Nationwide, kids miss 51 million hours of school every year because of dental problems. But brushing and flossing can dramatically cut down on the risk of dental decay. Make sure your kids are brushing before they head out the door. And no matter how much homework they have, they need to be brushing and flossing at night. 

It’s important for you to maintain good oral hygiene yourself. Data shows that the amount children brush their teeth correlates to the amount that their parents do.

Pack a lunch for dental health. 

Not only will a healthy meal give your child the sustained energy she needs throughout the afternoon; it will also help to protect her pearly whites.

Obviously, sugary foods are problematic. But it’s not just about avoiding foods. Adding in certain things can have notable benefits for your kid’s smile. Next time you pull out that lunchbox, consider packing: 

  • Foods high in calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, and leafy greens
  • Protein-rich foods, like turkey slices, no-sugar-and added nut butter, tuna, and eggs
  • Fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber, like carrot or celery sticks, apples, and pears
  • Water

Help kids look out for retainers.

Lost retainers are not just a hassle. If your teen is wearing an appliance after having braces removed, it is vital that he wear it the majority of the day. Otherwise, his teeth could quickly resume their old positions. 

Make sure your child has an appropriate retainer case. If need be, pack little notes in his lunch box. “Don’t forget to put your retainer back in! Love that smile!” 

Protect your athlete’s teeth. 

If your child plays a contact or high-velocity sport, an athletic mouth guard is an essential back to school supply. Athletes who wear mouth guards are 83 to 92% less likely to sustain an injury to teeth and mouth.

You can purchase pre-made mouth guards at the drugstore. However, these will not be as comfortable or as effective as a custom device from the dentist. Furthermore, if they don’t fit properly, they can impact breathing and athletic performance. 

Schedule an appointment at your dental office.

Even if you haven’t scheduled a visit over the summer, try to get one in at the beginning of the school year. Biannual cleanings and exams are vital for everyone’s dental health, no matter their age. And it will be much easier for your child to miss a few hours of school now than later in the year when important tests and assignments come up.

Contact Dr. Matt and His Team Today

Make this school year the best yet – on every level. Contact our office to make an appointment. 
Reach us online or call us at 913-685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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