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If you are the parent of a preteen or teen, you are likely looking ahead to puberty and the many physical and emotional changes it will bring. But one thing you may not anticipate is the impact of puberty on oral health. That is why your pediatric dentist is such an indispensable part of your teen’s journey.

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and his Overland Park, KS, team offer dental care for kids of all ages, including teenagers. If your child is approaching puberty, it is all the more essential that he or she receive regular care from the dentist. Hormones cause some unexpected challenges. And teens have other oral health needs, such as the eruption of wisdom teeth, that should be addressed.

To schedule an appointment for your teen or preteen, contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids today.

Puberty: What to Expect

Not only does puberty affect boys and girls differently; it also affects them on a different timeline. Girls typically start puberty between the ages of 7 and 13, while boys usually begin between the ages of 9 and 15. However, recent studies show that the average age of a girl’s first period is steadily trending downward.

Whenever puberty hits, the brain releases the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (or GnRH). In turn, GnRH stimulates the production of two additional hormones, the lutenizing hormone (LH) and the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In boys, these hormones signal the body to begin producing testosterone and sperm. In girls, they signal the production of estrogen.

The increasing hormones cause numerous physical changes. These include growth, weight gain, and hair growth. Boys will experience a deepening of the voice, while girls will begin menstruating. 

Hormones and Gum Tissue

As if all these changes weren’t enough, hormones can also lead to a condition known as puberty gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, but it is fortunately reversible with proper care. When adolescents enter puberty, the increasing sex hormones can send extra blood to the gums, leading to sensitivity and bleeding. 

Furthermore, one four-year study found that both boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 14 were more prone to develop a buildup of the oral bacteria that lead to gum disease.

Girls are likely to be even more affected by these changes, since monthly hormone fluctuations can have similar effects on the gums. 

Preventing Puberty Gingivitis

Despite the studies, puberty gingivitis is not inevitable. Proper oral hygiene can protect your teen’s gums, even when hormones are raging. Unfortunately, adolescents are at a higher risk for gingivitis when they are also starting to become more independent. Without supervision, preteens and teens may neglect their dental health, not only increasing the likelihood of gum disease but also of tooth decay and infection. 

As your child approaches puberty, make sure that you discuss the importance of daily dental care. Review proper brushing and flossing techniques, and be sure to schedule an appointment with your pediatric dentist. Dr. Matt and his team can also provide additional guidance and treatment as your child enters this important time of life.

Contact Your Pediatric Dentist Today

Whether your child is thirteen or thirteen months, we are ready to provide the compassionate care that he or she deserves. Contact our Overland Park, KS, office today. 

Reach us online or give us a call at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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We are just days away from the New Year! It’s the time for setting personal goals for 2023. But New Year’s Resolutions aren’t just for adults. Kids can set goals, too. In this post, your pediatric dentist in Overland Park offers some great ideas to help your kids choose their resolutions. 

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and his team are committed to every aspect of your child’s wellness. Of course, dental health is our top priority. But we understand that oral, physical, mental, and emotional wellness are all interrelated. Through quality care, compassionate communication, and thorough education, we want to help your family enjoy the best year yet

Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services.

How to Help Kids Set New Year’s Resolutions

Unfortunately, many New Year’s resolutions are self-deprecating. For instance, a whopping 40% of people who set resolutions say that they want to lose weight in 2023. But setting these types of goals can be harmful for kids, making them feel insecure about their bodies. Instead, help kids focus on positive changes that will make them feel good

Second, help your kids set actionable goals. Instead of saying, “I will become the best soccer player on the team,” resolve to practice shooting drills three times a week outside of team practice. Or instead of saying, “I will get better grades,” say “I will do my homework first thing after I come home and before I play any video games.” 

Exercise Resolutions

“Exercising more” is the top resolution, set by 52% of global survey respondents. Kids can resolve to get moving, though, again, it is best to focus on how good exercise will make them feel. Although goals will vary by age, some ideas for exercise-related goals include:

  • I will only watch one hour of TV a day.
  • We will go for a family walk after dinner three days a week.
  • I will learn how to play a new sport or activity.

Healthy Eating Resolutions

Healthy eating comes second to exercise in the list of 2023 resolutions. But as with all goals, it is important to be specific about what you want to do. For instance, depending on age, your child might resolve: 

  • I will eat vegetables when they are served to me.
  • When I see new foods, I will give them a try before deciding whether or not I like them. 
  • I will drink no more than two sodas a week. 

Dental Care Resolutions

Of course, your dentist in Overland Park couldn’t resist adding in a few oral health-related ideas. Fortunately, these are small changes that could have big effects on your kids’ dental health, not only in 2023 but for the rest of their lives!

  • I will brush my teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once.
  • I will drink water (or milk, for younger kiddos) with all my meals.
  • I will visit the dentist twice this year. 
  • I will wear my retainer when I am supposed to.

Enter 2023 with Your Dentist in Overland Park

We can’t wait to help you make 2023 a year to remember! Contact your dentist in Overland Park to schedule your first appointment of the new year.

Reach us online or call us at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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The lights are shining, and the tree is aglow. But nothing lights up your holiday like your child’s smile. With Christmas approaching, you may worry about that beautiful grin being compromised by the many indulgences the season brings. Fortunately, following a few simple tips this week can help to ensure a dental smile to ring in the new year.

Dr. Matt and his team at Smiles Dentistry for Kids are always happy to answer your questions about dental care. Our Overland Park, KS, office offers complete dental services specifically for pediatric patients. And we take pride in ensuring that each patient enjoys a bright and healthy dental smile.

Contact us today for more dental health tips or to schedule your appointment. And of course, from our office family to yours – Merry Christmas!

1. Go Easy on the Candy

It’s no secret that candy is one of the worst offenders when it comes to oral health. Sugar and other refined carbs stick to teeth, providing a veritable buffet for hungry oral bacteria. As the microbes build up, they contribute to the development of plaque and tartar, which will erode dental enamel and create a cavity.

Candy is an essential part of any good Christmas stocking. And you don’t want to be labeled a total Grinch. You can still allow your kids to enjoy some yummy treats. Just be sure that they do so in moderation and that they brush their teeth afterwards. 

You should also keep in mind that certain candies are more detrimental than others. Sticky candies like caramels keep sugar in contact with teeth much longer, as do hard candies that melt in the mouth.

2. Include Some Tooth-Healthy Foods on the Menu

Instead of focusing on what to limit, think about what you can add to your Christmas table. Fortunately, some perennial kid favorites have great benefits for a dental smile. For instance, cheese is rich in calcium and protein, both important nutrients for tooth health. Lean meats also offer protein, as well as iron for improved tooth and gum health. 

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Your child can still enjoy a mug of hot chocolate, but make sure that your whole family is drinking water throughout the day. Of course, this will keep you hydrated, but it will also help to prevent tooth decay. Water flushes away oral bacteria and food particles, so it is especially beneficial after eating. 

4. Don’t Neglect Regular Dental Care

Christmas week is a whirlwind of activity. Nights can be especially busy, between parties, church services, and family gatherings. Just be sure that you still take the time tothat your child is brushing and flossing properly.

5. Prevent Sports Accidents 

Many family gatherings include a rousing game of football or other sports after dinner. Whenever your child is playing contact sports, a mouthguard is always a good idea. One large scale study found that the rate of oral injury among athletes who wear mouth guards was five times lower than among athletes who did not wear them

Schedule an Appointment to Maintain Your Child’s Dental Smile 

Give your child the gift of dental health this Christmas. Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids to schedule an appointment. 

Complete our online form or call us at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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When your child cut his first tooth, you likely felt a thrill of excitement. Even when teething is difficult, there’s nothing like watching your baby hit those milestones. But one milestone you are not anxious to see is your child’s first cavity. Unfortunately, as your dental office experts explain in this post, baby bottle tooth decay is far too common.

Dr. Matt and the team at Smiles Dentistry for Kids are committed to preventive care whenever possible. Through routine cleanings and education, we want to help your child avoid early childhood tooth decay and other concerns. At the same time, if your child does develop a cavity, we can provide swift, gentle, and compassionate care for even the youngest patients. 

To schedule an appointment or to learn more about oral care, contact our Overland Park, KS, office today.

What is baby bottle tooth decay?

Baby bottle tooth decay is also known as early childhood caries. It refers to tooth decay in children under the age of 2. Typically, it affects the top upper teeth, although any tooth can develop a cavity.

I exclusively breastfeed. Can my child still get tooth decay?

Yes. Breast milk itself is not typically considered a cause of cavities. But when a child falls asleep with milk in her mouth, she can suffer tooth decay. 

Furthermore, according to one study, breastfeeding at night past the age of 18 months can increase the risk of dental caries.

Are cavities in baby teeth really a big deal?

Even though baby teeth will eventually come out, early decay is a major concern. For one thing, children who suffer from cavities have a higher risk for tooth decay as adults. For another, baby teeth act as placeholders. If your child loses a tooth too early, it can cause spacing issues for incoming permanent teeth.

How can I prevent baby bottle tooth decay?

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take, which will dramatically decrease the risk of early childhood caries:

  • Never put your baby to bed with a bottle.
  • Never fill a bottle with juice or sugary drinks.
  • If you breastfeed, remove your breast from your baby’s mouth as soon as he falls asleep.
  • As soon as your child’s teeth erupt, begin brushing with a small, soft-bristled brush and a smear of fluoride toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice).
  • Do not share spoons or other eating utensils with your child. Tooth decay is contagious, and doing so can cause harmful bacteria to pass from you to your baby. 
  • If your little one uses a pacifier, make sure that it is clean. Never dip it in sugar to make it more appealing. (The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents avoid added sugar before age 2 anyway.)
  • Schedule an appointment at your pediatric dental office. Children should visit the dentist once they cut their first tooth or no later than their first birthday. Dr. Matt even offers free exams and cleanings to children under the age of 2!

Contact Our Dental Office for More Information

Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids to learn more about baby bottle tooth decay or to schedule a preventive cleaning

You can get in touch online or call us at (913) 685-9990. 

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Nothing ruins a snuggle session with your little one like bad breath. If this is the first time you’ve detected your child’s bad breath, it might not be a cause for concern. At some point, we all struggle with bad breath. However, if the bad breath is persistent, your child may have halitosis, and it might be time to schedule an appointment with our Overland Park, KS, pediatric dentist

During an appointment with Dr. Matt, your child will feel safe and comfortable as he determines the cause of the halitosis. Then, he will recommend the most effective treatment as well as tips for avoiding bad breath in the future. 

Continue reading to learn about some of the most common reasons for bad breath in children. 

1. Poor Oral Hygiene

As with adults, children must brush their teeth once in the morning and once in the evening and floss daily. Without this routine, it’s likely that cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues will develop. These can lead to halitosis. 

Persistent bad breath may also occur without these additional health issues, simply because food and beverage particles aren’t being removed from the oral surfaces. If you need help with maintaining an oral hygiene routine for your child, check out this blog! 

2. Eating Certain Foods

Bad breath can often be linked back to a meal. Has your child recently eaten something that had onions and garlic in it? Did he or she just eat a sugary snack? Thankfully, this bad breath is typically temporary and should resolve after brushing or drinking some water. 

3. White Tongue

Take a look at your little one’s tongue. Is it white? This tongue coating is full of odor-causing bacteria and food that can cause smelly breath as they break down. The white color is specifically caused by gunk that is trapped between the papillae, or tiny bumps on the tongue. 

4. Dental Decay

Cavity-causing bacteria release odors that could be the cause of your child’s persistent bad breath. Food may also be stuck in the damaged part of the tooth, causing a bad smell. 

5. Gum Disease

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is the inflammation or infection of the gum tissue. This occurs because of plaque and tartar buildup along the gumline, which may be the reason for persistent bad breath. Infections in any part of the body typically smell bad, and gum infection is no different. 

6. Dry Mouth

Saliva does more for your mouth than you probably realize. It washes away food particles and bacteria and neutralizes acids in the mouth that cause cavities. At night, saliva production slows down, which is why most people experience “morning breath.” Dry mouth, however, doesn’t just occur in the morning, but all throughout the day as well. 

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, can lead to bad breath in children because there isn’t enough saliva to remove food particles, bacteria, and acid from the oral surfaces.  

7. Allergies or Infections

Allergies or infections in the ears, nose, and/or throat are often linked to bad breath. Mucus and other secretions drip down the throat and onto the tongue when these health issues are present. Then, the bacteria in the mouth feed on them and produce smelly gases. 

When the allergies or infections clear up, you should notice an improvement in the smell of your child’s breath. 

Overland Park, KS Dentist Treats Bad Breath in Children

Bad breath doesn’t have to ruin quality time with your little one. If you can’t determine the cause of your child’s bad breath or if you know the cause and need treatment, schedule an appointment with Dr. Matt today by calling (913) 685-9990. 

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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It’s hard to believe that it’s already November and Thanksgiving week! And while some of us are a little behind on our cooking, we are all ready to do what matters most – count our blessings and give thanks! At our pediatric dentistry office, we have so much to be thankful for! 

Dr. Matt and his team and Smiles Dentistry for Kids want to share the top 5 things for which we’re giving thanks this holiday. We hope that you and your family have a wonderful, joyous (and delicious!) Thanksgiving Day. 

And remember, we are always ready to provide you with outstanding dental care. If your child needs dental treatment or preventive services this holiday season, contact our Overland Park, KS, pediatric dentistry office right away!

#5 – A Great Place to Call Home

We are so thankful to be located in the beautiful city of Overland Park. With all the convenience of a big city and the charm of a small town, there is no shortage of things to do in our community. 

We are proud to be in the heart of it all at our location on Metcalf Avenue. Easily accessible off of Highway 69, we are just minutes from the Museum at Prairiefire, the Firefly Forest, and the Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead.

#4 – Digital Technology 

We know that parents want the best and safest treatment for their children. That is why we are so grateful that we can offer the reassurance of digital x-rays. This type of imaging involves up to 80% less radiation exposure than traditional x-rays. Plus, the pictures are sharper. And they can be more easily shared with parents so that they can play a more active role in their children’s dental health.

#3 – A Wonderful Office Family

We are so thankful to come to work every day with people whom we love like family. We feel supported by each other, and we truly feel that we work as a pediatric dentistry team. The smiles around our office are infectious, as we laugh and share each other’s joys and struggles. 

We want our patients and their parents to feel like members of our family. Our true affection for one another and our infectious smiles help to make everyone feel welcome.

#2 – The Opportunity to Do What We Love

Not everyone looks forward to going to work every morning. But we do – and for that we are so very thankful! It is such a gift to provide meaningful service, helping to lay a foundation of oral health for the youngest generation.

Pediatric dentistry poses a unique set of challenges. The energy is high, the wiggles can be vigorous, and the attention spans are often short. But we love it and are so thrilled that we have the opportunity to pursue our calling

#1 – Our Patients 

Without a doubt, our patients are the number one thing for which we are giving thanks this November. Kids are just so much fun, and we truly think that our patients are the best! We love getting to know each of them and their unique personalities. And we love getting to know their parents, too. 

So if you are one of our existing patients, thank you for trusting us with your child’s precious smile. And if you are looking for a pediatric dentistry home, we’d love to have you! 

Contact Your Pediatric Dentistry Office 

You make our practice what it is. Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids to set up an appointment. 

You can reach us online or call (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Whether you’re a first time parent or a veteran, we know you worry about your kids. And teething can cause a whole host of new concerns. Are your child’s teeth coming in normally? Is your child sick or just teething? And how do you keep problems from occurring in the future? At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we know all about baby teeth complications and are here to reassure parents.

Dr. Matt and his team exclusively treat pediatric patients, but we also believe that we are partners with parents in creating a foundation for lifelong oral health. No concern is too small. Whenever you have questions or concerns, we are here for you. 

Whether your child is experiencing baby teeth complications or if you just want to make sure that everything is going normally, contact our Overland Park, KS, office today.

Delayed Teething 

On average, children begin teething around six months of age. But as a parent, you know that milestones are different for every kid! Some children don’t cut any teeth until they are closer to a year in age. If your child has not begun teething by his or her first birthday, you should bring them into the dentist for an evaluation.

Most children are finished teething by the time they are three. Again, you should bring your child to the dentist if they do not have all their teeth by the time they are four.

Teething Symptoms 

You just settled into a somewhat manageable sleep schedule (hopefully!), and then your child starts teething. Along with interrupted sleep, there are several other common symptoms of teething. These include:

  • Drooling
  • Constant chewing or gnawing
  • Fussiness 
  • A facial rash, due to drooling
  • A mild fever of less than 101 degrees

Contrary to popular belief, teething does not cause babies to be sick! If your child is vomiting, has diarrhea, or is running a high fever, contact your pediatrician right away.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the most common of the baby teeth complications. It may be a surprise to learn that very young children can develop cavities, but 23% of children ages 2 to 5 have sustained tooth decay. In fact, that is why the condition is sometimes called “nursing caries” or “baby bottle syndrome.”

If you notice the symptoms of tooth decay, be sure to schedule an appointment with your pediatric dentist. These symptoms can include: 

  • A white spot on the tooth just above the gums
  • Brown or black spots on the teeth
  • Swollen gums or pain around teeth that have fully erupted

Of course, good oral care and habits can often prevent decay and other baby teeth complications. Begin brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they come in, and schedule a dental appointment no later than your child’s first birthday. In addition, you should never put your child to bed with a bottle or fill a bottle with anything other than breastmilk, formula, or water. 

Contact Us to Learn More about Baby Teeth Complications 

If you are worried about your child’s tooth development, or if you simply need to schedule their first dental appointment, contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids today. We proudly offer free exams and cleanings to kids under 2. 

Make your appointment online or call us at (913) 685-9990. 

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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When you’ve had a hard day, nothing beats the sight of your child’s smile. So when it comes to routine oral care for kids, you naturally want the very best. But what exactly does that look like? 

Children’s dental care looks very much like adult oral hygiene. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we can provide tips to improve your whole family’s dental care. And, of course, Dr. Matt also provides regular preventive services specifically for young patients. 

To learn more about children’s dental care or to schedule a routine visit for your child, contact our Overland Park, KS, office today.

Daily Brushing and Flossing 

Good daily care is the foundation of oral health. Twice daily brushing and once daily flossing can keep bacteria, plaque, and tartar at bay. Since these are the substances responsible for cavities, good maintenance can lay a foundation for a lifelong healthy smile. 

You may be surprised to learn just how early brushing and flossing should begin. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends wiping down baby’s gums with a soft cloth even before any teeth come in. Once teeth erupt, parents should use a soft-bristled brush and a tiny amount of toothpaste to brush baby’s teeth twice a day. 

Good Hygiene Modeled at Home

As a parent, you know that kids watch everything and try to copy whatever they see, especially in the early years. That is why it is so important that your children see you maintaining good dental care for yourself. From a young age, let them see you brushing and flossing. And when they get old enough to do it themselves, try brushing together as you teach them proper technique. 

Not sure what the proper technique actually is? The American Dental Association has a whole guide

A Healthy Diet

While removing oral bacteria is vital, what kids put into their mouths is also important! Too much sugar not only makes for a crazed kid; it also increases the risk of tooth decay. And refined sugar is not the only culprit. All simple starches, including white bread, rice, and fruit juice, provide oral bacteria with easy energy sources. 

For optimal oral health, limit sugars and starches. Instead, encourage kids to reach for lean proteins, calcium-rich cheese and yogurt, vegetables, nuts, apples, and pears. It’s also important to drink water during and after meals, as this can help to flush away food particles. 

Here is another instance of kids imitating what they see. If you make a habit of reaching for the healthy stuff, chances are your kids will, too!

Biannual Dental Visits

Finally, it is essential to visit the dentist twice a year. Biannual appointments allow a dentist to clean a child’s teeth, check for decay, and look for any problems with dental development. Often, early intervention can prevent serious functional or orthodontic problems later down the line.

Again, you may be surprised at how early this should start. In fact, babies should visit the dentist once their first teeth come in or no later than their first birthdays

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we focus exclusively on pediatric care. We offer gentle, stress-free exams and cleanings. And we are ready to address any issues with equally compassionate, child-centered treatment.

Contact Us for Gentle Routine Oral Care for Kids

Protect your greatest treasure – your child’s smile! Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids today. 

You can make an appointment online or call us at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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As a parent, you know kids are insatiably curious. “Why?” seems to be their favorite word, and sometimes it’s very difficult to come up with an answer that will satisfy! But perhaps no other topic elicits such curiosity on the part of children – and such bafflement on the part of their parents – as the tooth fairy! Here, your KS dental office answers some of kids’ most pressing questions about the little sprite.

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and his team want to make dental care fun – whether that means helping you bring the tooth fairy to life or making your kids excited to have their teeth cleaned. 

To benefit from our fun-loving approach and our pediatric expertise, contact our Overland Park, KS, dental office today.

Where does the tooth fairy live?

Fairies are very secretive. They are very small and easily hurt by big animals and mean human hunters. So, unlike Santa Claus, the tooth fairy has never publicized her home base. However, your KS dental office staff has heard rumors that the tooth fairy lives in a magical forest in western England

What does she do with all those teeth?

This is probably the biggest mystery of all when it comes to the tooth fairy. What does the little creature want all those teeth for? 

Some say she uses them to build a castle to live in. Others say she polishes them up and throws them into the night sky to be new stars. Still others believe that she recycles them and uses them to make big, grownup teeth that will replace the old teeth. 

The Smithsonian claims that she uses them to make an exhibit in the Museum of American History!

How does she get into my room at night?

Lost teeth play magic music, which only the tooth fairy can hear. Guided by this siren song, she squeezes through the cracks of doors and beneath pillows. She uses her fairy dust to cast children into a deep sleep so they won’t wake up and catch her while she is gathering their teeth. 

How old is the tooth fairy?

The earliest known oral reference to the tooth fairy dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. The first written record of her existence is from a 1927 children’s play by Esther Watkins Arnold. So you could say that she is about 100. 

However, we’ve heard that she magically stays 18 forever

How much money does she leave?

Like everyone, the tooth fairy is subject to inflation. As of this year, kids receive an average payout of $5.36 per tooth. This is an all-time record high. In 2020, the tooth fairy paid an average of $4.03, and in 2019 she paid just $3.70.

Contact Your KS Dental Office for Kids

To protect those precious baby teeth and make sure that the tooth fairy gives a clean bill of health, be sure to visit your KS dental office twice a year

To schedule your child’s exam and cleaning, contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids today.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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The first smile, the first steps, the first words. When you have very young kids, it seems that every day brings a new milestone. But one important milestone that you may not have considered is the first dental cleaning. Babies and toddlers require routine dental care just like their parents. Preparing for this appointment at our Overland Park, KS, office can ensure that it goes smoothly for both you and your child.

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt works exclusively with children. He understands the special concerns of young patients, and he knows how to make appointments fun. 

Contact our office today to schedule an appointment or to find out what is entailed in a first dental cleaning. 

Do young children really need teeth cleaning?

Absolutely! Children’s teeth are just as prone to decay as adult teeth. In fact, 52% of children between the ages of 6 and 8 have suffered from at least one cavity. For teens, the situation is even more alarming, since 57% of them have developed a cavity in their adult teeth.

Dr. Matt believes so strongly in early preventive care that he offers free exams and cleanings to kids under 2.

When should I schedule the first dental cleaning?

The American Dental Association recommends that children first visit the dentist when their teeth first come in and no later than their first birthday.

That being said, it’s never too late to begin good oral hygiene. Whether your child is six months old or six years old, cleanings can lay a foundation for lifelong dental health.

What will happen during my child’s appointment?

One of our hygienists will gently clean and polish your child’s teeth. Like Dr. Matt, our hygienists specialize in pediatric treatment, so they know how to keep kids comfortable in the dental chair. 

Cleanings always occur in conjunction with dental exams. Dr. Matt will evaluate your child’s teeth, taking x-rays if appropriate. He can recommend any treatment that he deems necessary and provide tips for better oral hygiene at home. 

How can I prepare my child for a cleaning?

Brushing your child’s teeth at home will not only help to prevent dental decay. It can also acclimate her to having her teeth cleaned. 

Discussing the upcoming visit can give your child a sense of security since he will have an idea of what to expect. You can also find a number of good children’s books about the dentist. Pictures can help familiarize smaller children with the sights of a dental office. 

How long will the first appointment last?

Dental visits last from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on your child’s health needs and level of comfort. This also includes time to answer any questions you may have.  

Please note that for your first visit, you should arrive at least ten minutes early. We work hard to keep wait times to a minimum. 

Schedule a Dental Cleaning Today

Make sure your child receives specialized dental care, tailored to his or her particular needs. Contact our Overland Park, KS, office today.

Request an appointment online or give us a call at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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