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When kids come to the dentist, the new sights and sounds can make them a little nervous. But for children who suffer from dental anxiety, visiting the dentist is not merely nerve wracking. It can be an overwhelming and highly emotional experience

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids in Overland Park, KS, Dr. Matt and his team have years of experience treating children. Our gentle, friendly demeanor is often enough to put kids at ease. If necessary, we can also provide IV sedation for youngsters with severe anxiety. 

We know that anxious kids make for anxious parents! But we will walk you through every stage of your visit and support you as you help your child. Contact our office today to learn more. 

Why is my child afraid of the dentist?

Dental anxiety is common, affecting an estimated 9% of pediatric patients. Anxiety can arise for many reasons. 

  • A history of dental problems from a young age
  • Parents passing on their own dental anxiety to their kids
  • Shyness
  • General anxiety
  • Cognitive development 

What can I do at home to help my child overcome her fears?

One of the most important things you can do is to make sure that you always speak positively about the dentist. If you struggle with dental anxiety yourself, talk to your own dentist about ways to soothe your nerves before and after treatment. 

Additionally, never use dental care as a threat. For example, you might be tempted to say, “If you don’t brush your teeth, you’ll get a cavity and have to go to the dentist!” But this only makes children associate dental care with punishment. Instead, use positive reinforcement to encourage good oral hygiene. 

To give your child support, look for some kids’ books about visiting the dentist. Often a picture book can give your child a visual idea of what to expect. And when she sees kids in storybooks being brave about the dentist, she may feel inspired to be courageous themselves! 

Finally, you are always welcome to bring a favorite stuffed animal or blanket to your appointment. We know that these little things can be a huge comfort to our younger patients!

What steps do you take in the office to help anxious kids?

We offer free exams and cleanings to kids under 2. At these appointments we will check their dental development and recommend any appropriate treatment. But the visits are primarily to introduce ourselves to your child and acclimate them to the office. 

At subsequent visits, your child will see Dr. Matt every time. He remembers his patients and their interests, so he can engage them and keep them smiling the whole time. 

Finally, for kids with higher levels of anxiety, we can provide IV sedation. Intravenous sedation will put your child into a “twilight sleep.” He will technically be awake, but he will be deeply relaxed. And he will have little to no memory of treatment when the medication wears off. We recommend sedation only when it is absolutely necessary. But for very anxious children, sedation can enable us to perform important treatment that could prevent a lifetime of dental problems. 

Contact Us for Compassionate, Stress-Free Care

If your child suffers from dental anxiety, find a dentist who specializes in treating children. Dr. Matt’s demeanor and rapport with kids can go a long way in alleviating anxiety.

Book your appointment online or call our Overland Park office at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Just like age-appropriate vaccines and routine wellness checks, dental checkups are a vital part of your child’s overall health. Good dental care beginning at an early age can greatly reduce your child’s risk for repeated cavities and orthodontic complications

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids in Overland Park, KS, Dr. Matt and his team focus exclusively on pediatric care. Whether it is your child’s first visit or their tenth, we know that appointments can be scary for younger kids. That is why we work hard to make dental appointments fun and to let you know in advance exactly what you can expect. 

Contact us today to learn more about dental checkups or to schedule an appointment for your little one.

Why are dental checkups so important?

Dental visits can prevent serious damage to your child’s teeth. 52% of children aged 6 to 8 have already developed at least one cavity in their baby teeth. This may not seem like a big deal – after all, those teeth will fall out eventually anyway! But early decay can dramatically increase your child’s risk for cavities as an adult

Plus, unchecked decay can lead to premature baby tooth loss. Baby teeth serve as placeholders for adult teeth. Therefore, early loss can result in significantly misaligned permanent teeth

Finally, when very young children are suffering from dental pain or problems with tooth development, they can experience difficulties in eating and speech development

Oral Exam 

All dental checkups include an oral exam. Dr. Matt will evaluate your child’s teeth, looking for any decay, erosion, cracks, or other damage. He or she will also assess the gum tissue to identify inflammation or other signs of gum disease. Though it may not seem like a major concern, periodontal disease affects up to 73% of children between the ages of 6 and 11!

Dental X-Rays

Typically, we will take x-rays at every other visit, unless your child is experiencing some troublesome symptoms. X-rays help us find hidden cavities and internal damage to teeth. Panoramic x-rays help us assess dental alignment. We can also evaluate permanent teeth that have not yet erupted. 

Parents often worry about the risks of radiation exposure during x-rays. That is why we use digital x-rays, which can reduce radiation exposure by 80% compared to traditional imaging.

Dental Cleaning 

Of course, cleanings are a key part of all dental checkups. One of our skilled dental assistants will carefully remove all plaque and tartar from your child’s teeth. After polishing, she will provide some tips and guidance for maintaining better dental hygiene at home. 

Our team knows how to help kids relax in the dental chair and enjoy their experience. For those children with severe anxiety, we can also provide safe IV sedation.

Schedule Your Child’s Appointment Today

We are excited to be your child’s home for dental checkups and any other treatment they might need. 

Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids online or call our Overland Park office at 913-685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Eating disorders can be devastating, both to those who suffer from them and to their families. But many are surprised to learn that eating disorders can compromise dental health, as well as overall physical wellness. Here your pediatric dentist in Overland Park explores the oral effects of these mental illnesses.

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt treats children of all ages, including preteens and teens. He is committed to their holistic wellness and recognizes the unique challenges of today’s kids. For adolescents facing the heartbreak of an eating disorder, he can partner with their whole treatment team to ensure that their oral health does not go overlooked. 

Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids to schedule an appointment with an experienced and understanding dentist in Overland Park

Eating Disorders: An Overview

Eating disorders are sadly all too common, affecting almost ten percent of Americans. Although they are most frequent among teens, a growing number of eating disorders have been reported among children. They are divided into three primary types:

  • Anorexia nervosa: Individuals who suffer from anorexia significantly restrict their caloric intake. Symptoms can include heart damage, low blood pressure, loss of menstrual periods, osteoporosis, and organ failure, among many others.
  • Bulimia nervosa: Those with bulimia eat large quantities of food and follow their binges with a cycle of purging, typically through vomiting, laxative use, over-exercise, and/or fasting. Bulimia symptoms include gastrointestinal discomfort and dysfunction, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance, which could even lead to stroke.
  • Binge eating disorder: Patients with binge eating disorder eat large amounts of food in a relatively brief period, but there are no episodes of purging. Those who suffer from binge eating disorder often experience intense guilt and are frequently overweight or obese.

Eating Disorders and Dental Damage

Patients with severe anorexia are so nutrient deficient that their bones may start to thin. When the jawbone shrinks, this can eventually lead to tooth loss

Those with binge eating disorders often consume high amounts of sugar and refined carbs, which can greatly increase the risk of tooth decay.

And while all eating disorders are serious, bulimia has perhaps the most impact on oral health. Vomit contains high levels of stomach acid so repeated episodes of induced vomiting can lead to significant enamel erosion. Therefore, these patients are prone to pronounced dental sensitivity and an increased risk for decay. Furthermore, the longer someone suffers from an eating disorder, the more severe their tooth erosion.

Can a dentist diagnose an eating disorder?

Although dentists are certainly not mental health experts, they are trained to recognize the signs of dental damage due to disordered eating. Plus, they typically see their patients more often than the standard physician. As such, they are in a unique position to diagnose eating disorders early on.

Often, when patients are questioned by a non-judgmental dentist, they are willing to share their struggles, perhaps for the first time. As a result, a knowledgeable and understanding dentist in Overland Park, like Dr. Matt, can help to prevent the serious, life-threatening effects of eating disorders.

Contact Your Pediatric Dentist in Overland Park Today

If you are seeking quality dental care for your child or teen, contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids. 

You can make an appointment online or call (913) 685-9990.l

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Is there anything worse than seeing your child in pain? Unfortunately, accidents and unexpected things like toothaches happen. If your child has a toothache, it’s important to know what’s causing the toothache and how to find toothache relief. Your child can help you determine what’s causing the toothache by pointing out the source of the pain, but you’ll need to look for signs of trouble to figure out the underlying issue. 

Some symptoms to look for include: 

  • Red gums
  • Swelling
  • Tooth discoloration
  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • A loose tooth
  • Food lodged between teeth

In most cases, you’ll need the help of a professional to diagnose the underlying cause. If your child is experiencing a toothache, call Smiles Dentistry 4 Kids in Overland Park, KS today. Dr. Matt and our friendly team are here to help your little one get back to normal, pain-free living.

What’s causing my child’s toothache?  

Sometimes, the cause of a toothache is obvious. Has your child recently been hit in the face with a ball? Or fallen and chipped a tooth? Then you have your answer! Be sure to visit the dentist as soon as possible and take the proper steps to save the damaged tooth. 

Other not-so-obvious causes of toothaches include: 

  1. Tooth decay. Pain that persists for more than a day is likely caused by a cavity. Look for a yellow-brown mark on the back molars where cavities are the most common. 
  2. Dental abscess. If your child describes throbbing and severe pain, he or she may have a dental abscess. Look for a pimple-like bump on the gum line, but an abscess may not be visible at all. 
  3. Cracked enamel. A cracked tooth will be sensitive to hot and cold substances and is generally caused by biting on a hard object. Search all of your child’s teeth for a crack, but the crack may be below the gum line or not visible to the naked eye. 
  4. Gum disease. Red, swollen gums are one of the first symptoms of gingivitis (the first stage of gum disease). If your child’s gums are bleeding after brushing and flossing, gingivitis is likely to blame. In some cases, gingivitis will clear up on its own with consistent and thorough brushing and flossing. 
  5. Lodged food particles. Meat, popcorn, and other foods can lodge themselves between two teeth, causing pressure and pain throughout the mouth. Be sure to check your child’s teeth for remnants of food particles. Brush and floss their teeth to eliminate this possibility. 

How can I help my child find toothache relief? 

In many cases, a toothache only lasts about 24 hours. However, if your child has a cavity, it will like become a recurring issue. Here are a few ways to relieve your child’s toothache pain while you wait to visit a pediatric dentist: 

  • Floss. Remove any food particles that may be lodged between the teeth for immediate relief. 
  • Pain medicine. Over-the-counter medicines like Tylenol and ibuprofen can relieve pain temporarily or permanently. 
  • Ice. Place a cold pack or ice in a washcloth on the outside of your child’s face where the pain is coming from. Leave it there for 20 minutes. 
  • Salt water. Combine a teaspoon of salt and a small cup of water. Show your little one how to swish it around for 30 seconds, then spit it out. 

Contact Our Pediatric Dentist in Overland Park

If your child is suffering from a toothache, please call our friendly dental team at (913) 685-9990  so we can determine the root cause and help your little one find permanent toothache relief as quickly as possible. 

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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The last Saturday of September is the annual celebration of National Family Health and Fitness Day USA. It’s the perfect opportunity to establish good habits for all aspects of your health – physical, mental, and oral! Here your pediatric dentistry office provides five great ideas to celebrate this important but little-known holiday. 

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and his team are committed to your family’s complete wellbeing. That’s why we offer free exams to children under two. And we take all the necessary time to make sure little ones feel comfortable in the office. 

In addition to the ideas listed below, make sure your kids are up-to-date on their dental care. Contact our office today to book your appointment.

Exercise Together

The American Heart Association recommends that children ages 6 to 17 get at least an hour of moderate to strenuous physical activity each day

Exercising as a family doesn’t have to mean sweating it out at the gym! There are lots of ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine:

  • Go for a family walk after dinner
  • Take a bike ride
  • Have a dance party
  • Go ice skating
  • Go for a hike
  • Sign up for a family exercise class

Cook a Meal as a Family

Even if you regularly cook healthy meals, your kids may not have any grasp of what makes a food nutritious or not. Cooking together is not only a fun family activity. Research shows that kids who cook at home are more likely to make healthy eating choices

Try making some of the following with your children:

  • Healthy homemade pizzas with whole-wheat crusts and loads of veggies
  • Turkey meatballs over whole-wheat spaghetti
  • Homemade hummus with veggie sticks and grilled chicken
  • Chicken and vegetable soup

Set a Limit on Screen Time

In the US, children ages 8 to 12 spend an average of 4 to 6 hours a day watching screens. Teens can spend 9 hours a day on electronic devices! This means kids are not getting the right amount of exercise, which can lead to obesity and poor body image. Too much screen time can also lead to poor sleep, lower grades, and a reduced quality in relationships.

Set a realistic screen time limit for your children based on their ages. Discuss other activities that your kids can do to fill up the time.

Take an Emotional Temperature Reading

Around 70% of parents say they struggle to have deeper conversations with their kids. Encourage meaningful discussions with a weekly “temperature reading.” Have each person share:

  • Something they appreciate in another member of the family
  • New information
  • Puzzles they may have
  • Polite requests for change
  • Apologies
  • Wishes and dreams 

Encourage Family Dental Health

Children will more likely practice good dental hygiene if they see their parents doing so. Be sure that everyone – including mom and dad – are brushing twice daily and flossing at least once. 

You should also make sure that everyone is visiting the dentist regularly. Children should visit the dentist for a biannual exam and cleaning as soon as their first teeth appear.

Schedule an Appointment at Your Pediatric Dentistry Office 

Celebrate Family Health and Fitness Day by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Matt. 

Make an appointment online or call our Overland Park, KS, office at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
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With the new school year ramping up, you may already find yourself stuck in a rut when it comes to your child’s lunch. Changing things up not only introduces your son or daughter to a wider range of textures and flavors. Packing different options can also provide more essential nutrients for both physical and oral health. Here your dentist in Overland Park  provides some top suggestions for promoting a healthy smile. 

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt is committed to your child’s complete wellness. Whether you need more tips for healthy school year routines, or your child requires more advanced dental treatment, we are ready to provide outstanding care for you and your family.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Celery Sticks and Carrots

Carrots and celery help to clean teeth while you’re eating them! Both help to stimulate the production of saliva, which washes away food and bacteria from the mouth. Plus, carrots contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and calcium.

Cheese Sticks

Studies strongly suggest that cheese helps to reduce the risk of tooth decay. This may be because, like celery and carrots, cheese stimulates saliva production. Plus, the casein and whey protein in cheese may help to prevent tooth demineralization

Whole Grain Bread and Crackers 

Next time you pull out the stand-by ham and cheese, be sure to make the sandwich on whole grain bread. Of course, whole grains give your child more sustained energy for the school day. But fiber intake is also important for oral health. According to one study published in the Journal of Nutrition, the risk of gum disease is higher for those who consume low amounts of whole grains.


We know that peanuts may not be an option for school lunches, due to the risk of allergies. But other types of nuts can be just as beneficial for oral health. Brazil nuts, cashews, and almonds all help to combat oral bacteria. Walnuts also contain tooth-healthy fiber, iron, thiamine, magnesium, and many other nutrients.


Apples are beneficial for many of the same reasons that carrots and celery help dental health. It’s true that apples contain lots of natural sugars. But whole apples also have a high amount of fiber to increase saliva and reduce bacteria.

Furthermore, unlike other fruits, apples are low in acidity. Highly acidic fruits, like citrus, can have a corrosive effect on tooth enamel. 


Water is one of the most important things you can pack in your child’s lunch – and encourage them to drink all day long! Fruit punches and drinks in pouches are usually high in sugar and low in nutrients. Even 100% fruit juice, while more nutritious, contains high amounts of sugar. If your child drinks juice at lunch, those sugars are just sitting on their teeth for the rest of the school day. 

Instead, water helps to keep his or her mouth clean until they can get home and brush their teeth. Plus, it doesn’t set your student up for a sugar crash in the midafternoon.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Dentist in Overland Park

Learn more about oral health and how you can protect your child’s precious smile. 

Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids online or call 913-685-9990 to make an appointment.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Losing a tooth can be so exciting! What could be more thrilling than waiting for a little fairy to sneak into your bedroom while you are asleep? Children around the world celebrate this milestone – but the tooth fairy doesn’t visit every country. Instead, a diverse range of traditions exist surrounding the loss of a baby tooth. Here, your children’s dentist in Overland Park, KS, takes a look at some of these fun international rituals. 

If your child has begun losing his or her baby teeth, be sure to check in with Dr. Matt. It is important to verify that the permanent teeth are coming in correctly and that your little one is not at risk for dental decay. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we offer complete pediatric dental services for children of ages.

Contact our office today to book an appointment.

The Tooth Fairy

The tooth fairy is a busy lady. In addition to visiting children in the US, she also collects teeth in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Denmark.

And not only does she have to gather all those teeth – she also needs to keep up with economic trends! In a 2018 poll, the average tooth was worth $3.70, up from $1.30 in 1998. 

The Tooth Mouse?

It seems that tiny creatures have a penchant for lost teeth. In Spanish-speaking countries, including Spain, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, and Chile, a little mouse collects baby teeth. He goes by different names depending on the country, including El Raton de Los Dientes, Raton Perez, and Ratoncito Perez. 

In most of these countries, the tiny rodents sneak under kids’ pillows to gather teeth. But in Argentina, children leave their teeth in a glass of water. Ratoncito Perez drains the glass and leaves money in the bottom. 

Raton Perez is so popular that there is even a museum dedicated to him in Madrid.

Tossing Those Teeth Around

In many Asian and Middle Eastern countries, children throw their bottom teeth up onto the roof. Lost top teeth get tossed on the floor or under the bed. The hope is that the new incoming teeth will grow towards the old baby teeth.

Some countries are very particular about the way in which teeth are thrown. Children in Indonesia toss their teeth over their shoulders. They’d better have good aim! Tradition states that if they throw straight, the new tooth will come in correctly. But if their aim is off, the new tooth will be crooked.  

In other countries, as children toss their teeth onto the roof, they ask a particular animal to bring them a new one. For instance, children in Sri Lanka hope a squirrel will help them out. In India and Korea, they ask a bird for a new tooth. And in Botswana, they wish upon the moon!

Other Fun Traditions

While certain rituals are widespread, other countries have tooth-related traditions all their own. In Pakistan, children toss their teeth in the river. In Kyrgyzstan, they stuff the teeth in bread to be eaten by a mouse. And in Turkey, they bury teeth in a place that represents a parent’s hopes for the child’s future.

Contact Your Children’s Dentist in Overland Park

We know that your hopes for your child include a lifelong healthy smile. Make sure your little one receives outstanding dental care from a young age!

Contact Dr. Matt and his team online or call us at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
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As a parent, you may wonder, “Is dental care really that important for children? Aren’t kids more resilient to cavities than adults?” The truth is that kids are just as susceptible to dental decay as their parents! Moreover, when they don’t receive proper dental care from an early age, they are likely to suffer from a lifetime of dental problems. That is why we proudly offer pediatric dentistry services specifically tailored for children.

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and his team perform a full array of pediatric dental care. Though our focus is on preventive services, we are also ready to tackle any problems that may arise. 

To book one of these 4 dental services – or any other care you require – contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids today.

Dental Cleanings and Exams

Of course, brushing and flossing at home are the first  step in preventing tooth decay, but regular trips to the dentist are also vital. Unfortunately, only about half of all US children visit the dentist once a year. Children ages 2 to 5 are even less likely to visit the dentist than older kids. Only 35.1% of this younger group typically visit the dentist once per year. 

The American Dental Association recommends that children visit the dentist no later than their first birthday. We encourage parents to bring their children in no later than 6 months after their first teeth appear. To make early care even easier, we offer free exams and cleanings to children under 2!

Digital X-Rays

X-rays can help Dr. Matt detect hidden cavities. They can also reveal potential orthodontic problems. For instance, they can show whether your child has enough room for his or her incoming adult teeth. 

Like many parents, you may be nervous about exposing your child to x-rays. Following guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, we only take x-rays after age 4 (unless otherwise required). Furthermore, we use digital imaging, which further reduces the already negligible radiation exposure.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a key component of oral health. This mineral helps to strengthen dental enamel,  providing a barrier to keep bacteria from affecting the soft pulp inside teeth. It can also help to remineralize and repair damaged teeth. 

Although most community water is enhanced with fluoride, bottled water contains no more than 0.17 mg of fluoride per serving. Most foods have negligible amounts of the mineral. To supplement your child’s fluoride intake, Dr. Matt can provide a fluoride rinse or varnish. This topical treatment has no side effects, but it can dramatically reduce your child’s risk of cavities for years to come.

Emergency Care

Of course, we work hard to protect your child’s teeth through routine preventive care. Nonetheless, we know that emergencies can arise. Whether your child suffers decay, sustains an athletic injury, or breaks a tooth biting down on something they shouldn’t, Dr. Matt is on call 24/7 for urgent dental needs.

Schedule An Appointment for Your Child Today

We know your child’s smile lights up your life. Give it the care and protection it deserves with outstanding pediatric dental care. 

Book an appointment online or give us a call at (913) 685-9990. 

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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You give your child a variety of fruits and vegetables, and maybe even a multivitamin, to ensure that he or she is getting all necessary nutrients. But if your child is not getting enough fluoride, they could be at risk for a lifetime of cavities and other dental problems. As part of your child’s dental care, be sure to schedule fluoride treatments and ensure adequate intake of fluoride at home

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and his team specialize in dental care for the youngest patients. By offering fluoride and other treatments, we can help set your child up for a lifelong healthy smile

To schedule a fluoride treatment, routine cleaning, or other dental care, contact our office today.

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a mineral. Found naturally in rocks, it gets into the soil and water. In developing teeth, fluoride helps to strengthen dental enamel, the outer protective layer. Once teeth come in, fluoride repairs weakened teeth and restores worn enamel. Because of this, it has an important role in the prevention of dental decay.

Daily Sources of Fluoride

Fluoride is naturally found in almost all water, but it is not enough to prevent cavities. To supplement, most city water has added fluoride. Over 75% of the US population now has fluoride-supplemented water. This has led experts to declare fluoridation one of the top health innovations of the 20th century. Indeed, since the introduction of community water fluoridation, the rate of dental cavities has dropped by 18 to 40%.


Foods and beverages prepared with tap water contain trace amounts of fluoride. The levels of fluoride in breastmilk are so low that they cannot usually be detected. Some infant formulas have low levels of fluoride (though this does not include the fluoride in water used to prepare the formula). There is no fluoride in most bottled water. 


To further increase general fluoride intake, most toothpastes contain this important mineral. Some people are concerned about ingesting too much fluoride, but if you use toothpaste according to instructions, it is completely safe. (It is for this reason that you should only use a drop of toothpaste the size of a grain of rice when brushing your baby’s teeth.)

Fluoride Treatments at the Dentist 

To provide additional protection, Dr. Matt also offers fluoride treatments. These are especially important for young children and teens, whose baby and permanent teeth are still coming in. Dr. Matt or a member of his team will apply a fluoride rinse or varnish to your child’s teeth. Properly administered, there is no risk of overexposure to fluoride, and the treatment has no side effects. At the same time, it can have tremendous benefits by dramatically reducing your child’s risk for dental decay. 

Contact Us for Pediatric Care

To learn more about fluoride treatments and our other preventive dental care, contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids. Request an appointment online or call us at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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With the kids headed back to school, it seems like life has never been busier. But with everything going on, don’t let your child’s oral health go unprotected. In fact, the beginning of the new school year can be a great time to establish healthy new habits and make a visit to your local dental office

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we specialize in pediatric dental care. Whether your child is headed to school for the first time, or he is a veteran of the back to school routine, Dr. Matt and his team can help him enjoy a healthy smile.

Contact us to book an appointment for one child or for all your kiddos! 

Establish a healthy routine. 

Nationwide, kids miss 51 million hours of school every year because of dental problems. But brushing and flossing can dramatically cut down on the risk of dental decay. Make sure your kids are brushing before they head out the door. And no matter how much homework they have, they need to be brushing and flossing at night. 

It’s important for you to maintain good oral hygiene yourself. Data shows that the amount children brush their teeth correlates to the amount that their parents do.

Pack a lunch for dental health. 

Not only will a healthy meal give your child the sustained energy she needs throughout the afternoon; it will also help to protect her pearly whites.

Obviously, sugary foods are problematic. But it’s not just about avoiding foods. Adding in certain things can have notable benefits for your kid’s smile. Next time you pull out that lunchbox, consider packing: 

  • Foods high in calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, and leafy greens
  • Protein-rich foods, like turkey slices, no-sugar-and added nut butter, tuna, and eggs
  • Fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber, like carrot or celery sticks, apples, and pears
  • Water

Help kids look out for retainers.

Lost retainers are not just a hassle. If your teen is wearing an appliance after having braces removed, it is vital that he wear it the majority of the day. Otherwise, his teeth could quickly resume their old positions. 

Make sure your child has an appropriate retainer case. If need be, pack little notes in his lunch box. “Don’t forget to put your retainer back in! Love that smile!” 

Protect your athlete’s teeth. 

If your child plays a contact or high-velocity sport, an athletic mouth guard is an essential back to school supply. Athletes who wear mouth guards are 83 to 92% less likely to sustain an injury to teeth and mouth.

You can purchase pre-made mouth guards at the drugstore. However, these will not be as comfortable or as effective as a custom device from the dentist. Furthermore, if they don’t fit properly, they can impact breathing and athletic performance. 

Schedule an appointment at your dental office.

Even if you haven’t scheduled a visit over the summer, try to get one in at the beginning of the school year. Biannual cleanings and exams are vital for everyone’s dental health, no matter their age. And it will be much easier for your child to miss a few hours of school now than later in the year when important tests and assignments come up.

Contact Dr. Matt and His Team Today

Make this school year the best yet – on every level. Contact our office to make an appointment. 
Reach us online or call us at 913-685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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