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Whether you’re looking for activities in the sunshine or the comfort of cool air conditioning, there are local Spring Break activities to keep everyone in your family busy. So, pull out your planner and start penciling in these engaging activities to do around Overland Park, KS, while your children are out for school. 

1. Stop and Smell the Flowers

If the weather permits, load up on fresh air and Vitamin D while you admire the local natural wonders of the season. Embracing environments with plenty of foliage is linked to many positive effects (such as improved cognition, better coping skills, and less stress). 

Fortunately, our community has many green spaces, including:

  • Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
  • Farmer’s Market
  • Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead
  • Indian Creek Hike & Bike Trail

2. Escape Rooms 

Discover a safe, thrilling, and immersive experience only an escape room can provide. Brain-teasing escape rooms help children think critically and make essential decisions to move through the stages. Therefore, escape rooms are an ideal, entertaining activity for developing problem-solving and objective analysis.

3. Play Board Games

If your kids are bored over Spring Break, bust out the board games! Board games are much more than family fun. Playing multi-player games can stimulate and strengthen parts of the brain responsible for complex thought processes and memory formation for kids of all ages. Additionally, playing board games can:

  • Strengthen bonds between people
  • Release the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals
  • Teach children how to set goals and be patient 
  • Help build self-esteem

4. Clean for Spring

Did you know that childhood cleanliness may impact your kid as an adult? In a compelling, multi-generational study, researchers discovered that young adults who grew up in homes that were rated “clean to very clean” completed more school and earned more money than those who grew up in homes rated as “not very clean to dirty.”

We get it. It can be a pain to teach kids how to clean. Frankly, it’s sometimes much faster to just do it yourself. However, teaching your kids how to clean correctly is an essential life skill that teaches them responsibility and helps them value hard work. So, crank up the tunes and start dusting as a family!

5. Visit a Museum or Two

Just because school is out doesn’t mean kids should turn their brains off. Museums provide multi-sensory opportunities to gain knowledge. Also, some museums allow children to explore their interests through hands-on activities and authentic artifacts. 

That is why your family should check out these local installations to experience the arts, history, science, and more:

  • Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art
  • Museum at Prairiefire
  • Kidscape at Johnson County Museum
  • Wonder Wonder?
  • Overland Park Murals

6. Get Lucky at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Mark your calendar! On Saturday, March 12th, Downtown Overland Park will be kicking off its first-ever St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Celebrate this free Irish-themed parade with the entire family. But, most importantly, don’t forget to wear green!

7. Visit Smiles Dentistry for Kids

Since kids get a week away from school during Spring Break, this time serves as a fantastic opportunity to schedule children’s dentist visits. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and his team believe in keeping your children’s teeth as healthy and clean as possible so that they can smile confidently. Book your child’s next dental visit by calling (913) 685-9990 or messaging us online.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Some pediatric dentists believe that the tooth fairy is so honorable and impressive that she deserves recognition on February 28th and August 22nd. Since National Tooth Fairy Day is celebrated every six months, it serves as a clever reminder for parents to schedule their children’s twice-annual routine dental appointments. Until then, here are three ways to celebrate our favorite magical dental hygiene hero at home.

1. Learn about cultural practices related to lost baby teeth.

During the mid-1920s, American dentists and other oral health enthusiasts developed the idea of the tooth fairy to combat the anxiety and discomfort of losing teeth with the joy of accumulating cold hard cash. 

In a piece published in Salon, Michael Hingston stated that “Every recorded human culture has some kind of tradition surrounding the disposal of a child’s lost baby teeth.” So, here are a few tooth-related traditions from around the world:

Tales of Tooth-Collecting Creatures

While the tooth fairy is synonymous with bringing riches to sleeping children, countries around the world celebrate this milestone with creatures that “buy” children’s teeth from them with coins or gifts.

  • Rodents: While this creature has many names, a tooth mouse visits children in many French and Spanish-speaking countries, some former and present British commonwealth countries, and some European countries.
  • Tooth Troll: In Finland, opposite of the tooth fairy is the “Hammaspeikko,” which translates to “tooth troll.” Actually, this character serves as a metaphor for explaining cavities. According to folklore, the tooth troll is lured by candy and drills holes into the teeth. Thankfully, brushing scares him away!

Feeding Teeth to A Furry Friend

In Mongolia, children are encouraged to hide their lost baby teeth in meat fat and feed them to their dogs. Mongolian children participate in this practice hoping that their adult teeth with be as strong as the bone-eating dog’s teeth.

What do they do if they don’t have a dog? In this case, Mongolian children bury their teeth in the ground near a big tree so that their new teeth will have strong roots (like the tree).

2. Get creative with DIY tooth fairy projects.

For National Tooth Fairy Day, get festive with art projects the whole family can enjoy:

  • Decorate a picture frame and show off a photo of your child’s toothless smile
  • Draw or color a picture of the tooth fairy
  • Write a letter to the tooth fairy
  • Construct a pillow, pouch, or keepsake box (so that the tooth fairy can find missing teeth easily)
  • Create a tooth fairy puppet and have your children direct a puppet show 

3. Encourage your kids to take care of their teeth.

Losing baby teeth is a normal part of childhood, but losing them too early can be a major health issue. Ideally, establishing healthy habits at a young age is intended to help children remain fit for the rest of their lives. Dr. Matt of Smiles for Kids Dentistry encourages parents to facilitate excellent oral health routines and habits, including:

  • Brushing teeth with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste with fluoride (twice a day)
  • Removing sneaky food particles and plaque between the teeth with floss
  • Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients
  • Visiting the dentist at least every six months (for routine cleaning and a checkup)

If it’s been over six months since your child’s last dental appointment, don’t wait any longer. Schedule your child’s next dental appointment in Overland Park, KS. Call (913) 685-9990 or message us online today.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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President’s Day (which falls on every third Monday in February) is a federal holiday observed by many Americans. This holiday aims to remember and honor the past and present American presidents. In reverence of President’s Day, here are five fun and fascinating facts about our previous presidents’ dental history.

1. George Washington didn’t have wooden teeth.

Did you know that America’s first president only had one natural tooth at the time of his inauguration? Extensive decay plagued George Washington and led to 24 teeth being pulled, and his troublesome teeth caused him to feel self-conscious and reluctant to engage in public speaking.

While there is no doubt that Washington wore dentures, they were never wooden. He had many pairs that were composed of various materials, including:

  • Hippopotamus ivory
  • Bone
  • Gold Wire
  • Copper Screws
  • Lead
  • Human teeth

2. Grover Cleveland had oral surgery on a yacht.

Even though yachts are usually associated with luxury and leisure, America’s 22nd and 24th president probably didn’t have too much time to relax while dentists performed oral surgery. For privacy, Cleveland’s oral surgery team removed five teeth and a cancerous tumor from his mouth on this particular boat trip.

Best of our knowledge, there are no secret yacht dentists still present today. However, this makes a great story and reminder to ask your dentist to check for an oral cancer screening.

3. JFK’s saved a fellow sailor’s life–with his teeth.

During World War II, Lieutenant John F. Kennedy’s PT boat was sunk by the Japanese. According to his shipmate’s obituary, JFK towed a fellow shipmate to safety by holding his life jacket between his teeth. After three miles and four hours of tugging with his teeth, he saved his fellow sailor’s life. 

While we recommend being more gentle with your teeth, we are amazed by what our teeth can do when we keep them strong and healthy!

4. Lydon B. Johnson gifted electric toothbrushes.

Although electric toothbrushes were first invented in 1939, they didn’t come to the US until 1960. Because electric toothbrushes were a relatively new technology during his reign, Lyndon B. Johson gave away electric toothbrush sets with the presidential seal on them. 

Rumor has it that when a White House intern asked about this extraordinary gift, LBJ responded, “I want people to think of me right away when they wake up and right before they go to bed.” (Encouraging Americans to brush their teeth twice a day? Now, that’s what we call presi-dental wisdom.)

5. There is a dental office in the White House basement.

How many of us have wished that our dentists could come to us? For the President of the United States, this dream of convenience is a reality. In a Jimmy Kimmel interview with Barack Obama, the former president admitted that he doesn’t have to go out to the dentist. Obama stated that “the dentist comes to me.”

Since Hoover’s presidency during the Great Depression, the White House has had its own dental office prepped, equipped, and ready to tackle any oral health issue that the president may have to face.

Celebrate This President’s Day by Treating Your Kids with a Trip to the Dentist

Dr. Matt and his team cater to kids so that they can have a comfortable (and even fun!) trip to the dentist. Schedule your child’s next dental appointment at Smiles Dentistry for Kids in Overland Park, KS. Call (913) 685-9990 or message us online today.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Mark your calendar! Every February, the American Dental Association (ADA) recognizes National Children’s Dental Health Month. All month long, thousands of American dental professionals promote the benefits of excellent oral health and raise awareness about children’s dental disease.

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt motivates children and their families in Overland Park, KS,  and surrounding communities, by committing to child-centric patient education and high-quality pediatric dental care. Continue reading to find out how you can best support your child’s oral health right now.

Why is National Children’s Dental Health Month significant?

Which common chronic childhood disease is five times more common than asthma? If you answered, “tooth decay,” then you’re exactly right. 

National Children’s Dental Health Month measures to inform children of the importance of consistent, satisfactory dental health habits early to assure a lifetime of healthy smiles. Aside from promoting anti-cavity prevention, dental professionals also dive into children’s dentistry specific topics, including:

  • Promoting healthy gums
  • Preventing misaligned teeth
  • Easing dental anxiety and phobia

What can parents do to advocate for their child’s dental health?

1. Invest in a New Toothbrush

When was the last time your child changed their toothbrush? Every 3 to 4 months, toothbrushes should be replaced.  With extended use, the bristles begin to fray and toothbrushes lose their effectiveness. Encourage your child to get excited for bushing by letting them pick their toothbrush. With a wide range of colors and characters, odds are they will find one that they will like! As a bonus, don’t forget a kid-friendly flavor of toothpaste too.

2. Monitor Your Child’s Brushing and Flossing Technique

Keeping up with daily oral care is essential. Do your children brush in a rush or floss like a boss? If you’re unsure, take time this month to check in on their daily at-home oral hygiene habits. As general principles, we encourage children to:

  • Gently brush for at least two minutes with a soft brush and toothpaste with fluoride.
  • Brushing after waking up and right before bed.
  • Floss removes bacteria and food particles between the teeth and along the gumline.

3. Help Your Child Conquer Dental Anxiety and Fear

Dental anxiety and fear can affect people of any age. While there are many causes of dental fear, the consequences of avoiding the dentist are even scarier than the fear itself. For children, it may mean fewer regular visits to the dentist, which could lead to untreated oral health issues, improper development, and unexpected tooth loss. 

Being a bit uneasy about the dentist is a relatively normal part of childhood, but it doesn’t have to be. Creating familiarity and positivity with dentistry can help young patients feel more calm and confident: 

  • Roleplay that you are the dentist (and vice versa)
  • Use positive language and reinforcement
  • Establish dental hygiene habits as part of a routine
  • Don’t wait too long between visits

4. Schedule a Children’s Dental Appointment

In most cases, we recommend regular dental visits at least twice a year for an oral examination and professional cleaning. If you haven’t booked your child’s twice-annual dentistry appointments, there’s no time like the present. Also, if you make an appointment right now, your child’s next annual appointment should fall just in time for the back-to-school season. Call (913) 685-9990 or request an appointment conveniently online to schedule your child’s next dental appointment with Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Have you noticed that your child’s incoming adult teeth appear more yellow or darker than their baby pearly whites? If your child is adhering to proper oral hygiene, then you can relax. This type of discoloration is normal and can be attributed to the fact that permanent teeth have more dentin (dense inner tissue) than baby teeth. Enamel (surface of the teeth) is translucent. Sometimes, the dentin is visible and appears more yellow and larger than little, light-colored baby teeth. As your child begins to lose their baby teeth, their permanent teeth will start to appear more uniform.

Other than the natural circumstances of normal development, Overland Park Pediatric Dentist Dr. Matt unravels four potential reasons why your child’s emerging teeth may appear darker or discolored.

1. Plaque and Tartar Accumulation

When kids don’t brush or floss their teeth as thoroughly or often as they should, plaque is highly likely to develop. Plaque is a film of bacteria that naturally forms on the teeth and has a yellowish, buttery tint. However, if plaque is not removed with frequent flossing and brushing, it solidifies and transforms into thick, yellow tartar. Tartar can only be removed with tools found in the hands of a dental hygienist. 

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists (AAPD) recommends that children visit their pediatric dentist every six months for a check-up and dental cleaning to remove caked-on plaque and tartar.

2. Diet

You may be surprised by what foods and drinks can stain your child’s teeth. Some enamel-altering ingredients to look out for are:

  • Acidic foods (such as citrus, tomato, and curry sauce)
  • Tannins (found in tea, coffee, and red grape juice)
  • Citric acid (serves as a preservative for many foods, including sports drinks and sour candy)

3. Trauma

Accidents can happen at any moment. If your child suffers from a blow that damages their inner dental tissue, their teeth may appear stained.

If your child has one tooth that appears yellow, brown, gray, or black after an accident, speak with your pediatric dentist immediately. This is considered a dental emergency and requires immediate action to save the tooth and inner nerves.

4. Certain Antibiotics

Doctors prescribe antibiotics to fight bacterial infections, but an unwanted side effect can be dental discoloration in children who are exposed during tooth mineralization and this can happen:

  • In utero, during the second and third trimester of pregnancy
  • Via breast milk, if the mother is taking it
  • When children under the age of eight take it

Even though tetracycline may be the most common, doxycycline and minocycline can also produce similar consequences. Because this family of antibiotics binds with the calcium ions in teeth, they will oxidize as they erupt. In this scenario, teeth will first appear fluorescent yellow and may darken to brown. Thankfully, today’s doctors typically only prescribe tetracycline to children over the age of eight and adults.

Find Out More About Pediatric Dentistry in Overland Park, KS

The truth is that not all dentists are trained or equipped to handle the oral health needs of constantly growing children. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and his dedicated Overland Park, KS team facilitate a kid-friendly environment to provide oral health education for young minds. Pick a pediatric dentist with years of experience and call (913) 685-9990 or message us online right now.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Is it finally time to schedule your child’s first dental appointment? If your child has a tooth or has celebrated their first birthday, then the answer to that question is an astounding YES! Before scheduling the first dental appointment, we want to make sure both parent and patient are calm and collected for their child’s big day at our office. In this blog, we discuss do’s and don’ts in preparation for your child’s first dental appointment.

DO be prepared.

Please have medical records and insurance ready before arriving at your child’s first dental appointment. At Smiles for Kids Dentistry in Overland Park, KS, our team tends to run on schedule. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early to your appointment. We need an ample amount of time to accommodate your needs and every child after.

DON’T use anxiety or fear-based language.

Despite our best intentions, studies show that children with anxious parents tend to showcase anxiety as well (likely due to a combination of genetics and learned behavior). If you feel uneasy about going to the dentist, your child may also develop feelings of apprehension. Please don’t be scared! Instead of allowing your fears to rub off on your children, act out or speak with your child about positive dental experiences (if your child is old enough to understand). 

DO bring comfort items.

Just like the people who rely on them, coping strategies are diverse. When stress and anxiety hit, some children reach for something soft and familiar. By bringing a child’s favorite toy or blanket, children can practice self-soothing and help them feel more secure.

DON’T use negative reinforcement.

We get it. Sometimes, children can behave differently in a clinical setting. Whether your child does not appreciate being in a new environment or maybe that the dentist is taking too long for his or her liking, our pediatric dental team is experienced in handling different types of kids and scenarios. Also, we are hopeful and understand that it typically gets better with each visit. 

It’s incredibly beneficial for parents to reassure their children that these feelings are normal for some kids, that they are in a safe environment, and have a positive attitude. Additionally, parents can praise their children for being brave after the dental appointment.

During difficult moments when your child is not receptive to what you have to say, actions can speak louder than words. Sometimes, a simple hug from mom or dad can help calm young children down. Recent research supports that receiving hugs can reduce cortisol responses to stress. We can assume that when children feel less stressed, they often feel more comfortable.

DO schedule your child’s first dental appointment with a pediatric dentist.

Some parents believe that they can simply take their kids to visit their general dentist. However, not all dentists are trained (or will treat) young children. In contrast, pediatric dentists complete additional training after dental school to learn about all the nuances of rapidly developing mouths.

At Smiles for Dentistry Kids, our team is trained to understand how to comfort and treat young patients with a wide range of needs and stages of development. Schedule your child’s first dental appointment by calling (913) 685-9990 or messaging us online today.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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We could all use some good fortune in 2022, and every culture has its ways to ring in the new year. Some New Year’s traditions center around starting on the right foot, while others indicate what will come your way. No matter how you choose to celebrate the coming of the new year, some traditions from around the world can help your family achieve a healthier smile.

United States: Greens and Black-Eyed Peas

With origins in the American South, many families enjoy greens and black-eyed peas for good luck and prosperity for the coming year. Leafy green vegetables resemble paper money, while round black-eyed peas represent coins. Besides being American New Years staples, greens and black-eyed peas are superfoods packed with nutrients that keep our bodies healthy:

  • Greens: Whether they’re collard, mustard, or turnip, greens are packed with vitamin A and C. Leafy green vegetables help keep the immune system healthy (which attacks invading bacteria and viruses).
  • Black-eyed peas: Black-eyed peas are a rich source of complex carbohydrates, protein, minerals, and antioxidants. A serving of black-eyed peas contains 8% of the daily recommended calcium intake, a mineral famous for strengthening bones.

Spain and Latin America: Grapes

At the stroke of midnight, people across Spain and some Latin American countries eat twelve grapes. Each grape symbolizes good luck for each month in the upcoming year. While this may seem like a lot to chew, grapes are full of flavonoids, antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body and reduce inflammation. 

Furthermore, scientists have discovered that certain grape products can improve oral health:

  • Grape seed extract: Proanthocyanidin (PA) is found in grape seed extract, which helps increase collagen synthesis and may potentially be used as an adjunct or alternative to fluoride in the future.
  • Raisins: Despite being about 60% sugar by weight, raisins contain antimicrobial compounds that combat oral pathogens and plaque.

Turkey: Pomegranates

In Turkey, the pomegranate is a symbol of prosperity and abundance. The Turkish traditionally give pomegranates as a gift or smash them against their homes on New Year’s Eve to make way for good fortune in the coming year.

Instead of crying over spilled pomegranate kernels, eat them! Pomegranates contain antibacterial qualities that may help:

  • Curb inflammation of soft tissues
  • Impede the development of dental plaque

China: Fish

This year, Chinese New Year falls on February 1st. Celebrate the Year of the Tiger by eating lots of fish. In Mandarin, the word for “surplus” (余, yú) sounds like the word “fish” (鱼, yú), so enjoying fish in Chinese culture is thought to welcome wealth for the entire year.

While we can’t guarantee that you get rich from eating fish, we can confirm that fish is rich in:

  • Omega 3 fatty acids: DHA and EPA have anti-inflammatory properties that can enhance gum health.
  • Vitamin D: This crucial vitamin helps the body absorb calcium, which keeps dental enamel strong.

Make a New Year’s Resolution to Visit the Dentist at Least Twice This Year

The concept of New Year’s resolutions is not new and goes back to 2,000 B.C. in Babylon. While people promise to accomplish a wide range of dreams in the New Year, commit to a goal that can help your child establish a healthy smile for life: visiting the dentist every six months. Schedule your child’s dental appointments for 2022 without hesitation with Dr. Matt by calling (913) 685-9990 or messaging us online.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease or periodontitis) is a progressive inflammatory infection that can be triggered by poor oral health habits, genetics, hormonal changes, and inadequate nutrition. Untreated gum disease can potentially lead to these four detrimental effects: 

1. Bad Breath

Bad breath (halitosis) can be an awkward problem for both the sufferer and those around them. While bad breath can be due to subpar oral hygiene, diet, or other factors, halitosis can be also be caused by gum infections. Chronic bad breath may be attributable to an overgrowth of oral pathogens that emit sulfur-producing compounds into the mouth. Periodontal disease-causing bacteria are housed within the plaque and tartar, which accumulate on the gums and teeth. 

2. Speech Impairment

Did you know that healthy teeth help us speak clearly? Unfortunately, as periodontitis progresses, it can cause teeth to loosen or fall out. The changed position of the teeth can cause issues when pronouncing words, which affects speaking or singing abilities. For example, if the two front teeth in the upper jaw are lost, the airstream broadens and it can make children sound like they have a lisp.

3. Worsened General Wellness

As previously mentioned, gum disease is an inflammatory disease, which means that the immune system is attacking its tissues and results in the inflammatory response to fight infection. Periodontal disease-causing pathogens start as oral inflammation but can spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. In addition to oral diseases, The American Academy of Periodontology recognizes the connection and progression between gum disease and other diseases, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory disease (such as pneumonia)
  • Cancer (including kidney, pancreatic, and blood cancers)
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Admittedly, the link between gum disease is not usually a cause-and-effect relationship but rather a mutual one. For instance:

  • When you treat gum disease and diabetes (or vice versa), both conditions will improve.
  • However, if you ignore treating gum disease and diabetes (or vice versa), both conditions will worsen. 

Also, it’s important to mention that oral inflammation may contribute to chronic inflammation all over the body.

4. Decreased Confidence

When young people do not like how their smile looks, it influences how they feel about themselves. According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, dental disorders cause a profound impact on adolescents’ aesthetics and psychosocial behavior, which affects their self-esteem. Maintaining excellent oral hygiene and eating the right foods can help control visible signs of periodontal disease, including dark spots from untreated dental decay and tooth loss.

Avoid Gum Disease with Periodic Dental Appointments

In summary, untreated periodontal disease can profoundly impact the physical, emotional, and social components of a person’s life. Thankfully, gum disease is largely preventable. Visiting the dental clinic every six months gives dentists a fighting chance of catching and treating the signs of gum disease while it’s still in the reversible stage (gingivitis). 

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, our team of dental professionals helps keep children in Overland Park, KS, and surrounding areas gums healthy by:

  • Educating young children about how they can keep their smiles healthy for life
  • Providing dental hygiene and other oral health services
  • Offering a no-cost dental exam and cleaning for children under two

Prevent the adverse effects of periodontal disease by scheduling your child’s next dental checkup and cleaning by calling (913) 685-9990 or contacting us online today.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Baby teeth are vital for your child’s oral development and act as placeholders for adult teeth. As baby teeth fall out, they create a space in the jaw for future permanent teeth. However, young children can sometimes experience early baby tooth loss. When are baby teeth supposed to fall out? What do I do if my child loses their tooth too early? Continue reading to find the answers to these frequently asked questions and more.

When do baby teeth typically fall out?

When is an appropriate time for your child to meet the tooth fairy? According to the American Dental Association (ADA), children typically lose their first teeth around 6 or 7 years old. Generally speaking, the first teeth that children lose are their first teeth that erupt: the central incisors. Children lose their primary teeth throughout childhood, and by 21, all 32 adult teeth should erupt. 

Why is my child experiencing early baby tooth loss?

If your child is experiencing tooth loss too early, the most common reasons are (1) dental decay and (2) traumatic facial injuries. Thankfully, the most common causes of early baby tooth loss are largely preventable. Parents are encouraged to supervise their child’s oral hygiene habits and take additional precautions to prevent early baby tooth loss, which includes:

  • A consistent brushing and flossing regiment
  • Scheduling dental check-ups at least every six months
  • Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Consuming well-balanced meals and healthy foods
  • Ensuring that their child wears mouthguards if he or she plays sports

What are some risks associated with losing baby teeth too soon?

When baby teeth fall out prematurely, they may not have the necessary space for adult teeth to form. Without adequate space, the teeth become crowded and may feel uncomfortable. Furthermore, crooked teeth require future orthodontic intervention. Misaligned teeth are harder to clean and are associated with an increased risk of developing tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease, and TMJ disorder.

Speak with Dr. Matt About Early Baby Tooth Loss and More

There’s a common myth that since baby teeth fall out, they don’t require the same level of attention. In reality, your child’s teeth are essential for his or her development. Healthy baby teeth help children eat, talk, and lay the foundation for healthy permanent teeth. Without intervention, your child may suffer from severe consequences if they lose their baby teeth too soon. It’s much easier to handle premature tooth loss early on than wait to deal with crowding and other oral health problems.

If your child is experiencing early baby tooth loss, speak with a pediatric dentist immediately. At Smiles for Life Dentistry, Dr. Matt prescribes spacers and space maintainers to help young patients prepare for the arrival of their incoming adult tooth. Schedule an early baby tooth loss evaluation in Overland Park, KS, by calling (913) 685-9990 or requesting an appointment online as soon as possible.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
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As the weather begins to cool down, our mindsets naturally shift to the holiday season. Winter break is just around the corner for many students. If you don’t want your kids cooped up in the house for too long, here are five activities that can make Winter Break more exciting and enjoyable for your kids.

1. Luminary Walk at Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens

This Holiday season, see the Arboretum in a different light. When the sun goes down, candles and colorful Christmas lights brighten the Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens during their annual “Luminary Walk.” 

Stroll along lit pathways filled with Gnome and Fairy Villages, peaceful candlelit woods, and the kaleidoscopic Children’s garden. Listen to musical performances in four different locations or unwind in the serene, quiet woods. The Luminary Walk offers a range of experiences for a variety of tastes. Speaking of tastes, enjoy a complimentary hot cider in the Children’s Discovery Garden. Snap photos with Santa or watch the trains run. It sounds like an evening of family fun!

If you haven’t had an opportunity to visit the Arboretum this holiday season, it’s not too late. This is Luminary Walk’s last weekend, and there are still available for December 16th, 17th, and 18th. Purchase tickets for this weekend by following this link, which are:

  • $15 per person
  • Children 5 years and younger get in free

2. Holiday Lights on Farmstead Lane

Even though the farmstead is closed until April 1, 2022, the holidays have arrived at Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead. From the comfort of your car, watch a free synchronized light show with music from your favorite holiday movies and other classics. Here’s how: 

  • Pack hot cocoa, treats, and blankets.
  • Drive to 13800 Switzer from 5 PM to 1 PM.
  • Turn off your vehicle lights and tune the radio to 90.5 Rose FM.
  • Sit back, relax, and enjoy the sensational show.

3. Family Tree Nursery

Whether it’s time for your family to trim the tree or if you’re picking up gifts for others, Family Tree Nursery offers a wide range of botanicals in our area, including a wide range of evergreens, poinsettias, and even ugly Christmas Sweaters for your plants. At the end of every year, this third-generation, family-run nursery’s garden centers are transformed into enchanting winter wonderlands with forests of decorated trees, lights, decorations, and more. Visit this local nursery on 8424 Farley Street before the holiday magic is gone until next year.

4. American Youth Ballet Presents “The Nutcracker”

The classic holiday tradition returns this weekend. Watch Tchaikovsky’s iconic story come alive in a collaboration of graceful dancers from the American Youth Ballet and dynamic music performed by the Overland Overland Park Orchestra. Performing art enthusiasts, don’t miss out on the fun at Yardley Hall on December 18th and 19th. Individual tickets start at $18.

5. Schedule a Children’s Dental Check-up

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children visit their pediatric dentist every six months to prevent cavities and other dental health issues. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt and his team strive to make the experience more enjoyable with a child-centric atmosphere and engaging chairside manner. With most schools not in session for the holidays, it’s the perfect time of year to schedule your child’s next dental appointment. 

If your child hasn’t visited the dentist in over half a year or if he or she could use a quick freshening up before visiting family, request your child’s next dental appointment by calling (913) 685-9990 or filling out our online form at your earliest convenience.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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