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From the first moment we hold our babies, we make a promise to ourselves to do all we can to ensure they are loved and protected. It’s the reason we put locks on our cabinets, set curfews, and over-do it with gifts on their birthdays. Another way we, as dental professionals, encourage parents to protect their children is to start taking care of their child’s mouth from the day he or she is born.

Good oral hygiene practices like wiping a baby’s gums after feedings, brushing with fluoride toothpaste, and breaking thumb-sucking and pacifier habits protect infants and adolescents from all kinds of oral health problems.

When parents don’t abide by their pediatric dentist’s guidelines, children may suffer from the following oral health issues:

1. Cavities

Cavities, or caries, occur when sugar and other food particles remain on the chewing, front, or back surfaces of the teeth. These particles turn into plaque, then tartar, and eat away at the enamel. This creates a cavity, or hole. If left untreated, the cavity continues to form, affecting the softer, inner layer of the tooth.

Dental caries can be extremely painful for children and should be avoided at all costs! Be sure to talk to your child’s pediatric dentist about good oral hygiene practices to put in place at home.

2. Gingivitis

Like cavities, gingivitis begins with plaque that transforms into tartar. The difference is that this plaque is built up along the gum line. The longer it sits there, the more damage it does.

Signs of gingivitis include bleeding gums after brushing or flossing, swollen gums, or irritated gums. If you notice these symptoms in your child’s mouth, be sure to schedule a dental cleaning with his pediatric dentist as soon as possible. 

3. Baby bottle tooth decay

Bottle- and breast-fed babies are at risk for something called “baby bottle tooth decay.” Essentially, this is the same as cavities, but in infants and toddlers. Dental professionals have given it this name because these cavities are usually caused by frequent, long-lasting feedings, especially right before bedtime or naptime.

Breast milk and formula contain sugar that sticks to teeth immediately after a feeding. When babies eat right before sleeping, less saliva production allows the sugar to turn into acid and eat away at the enamel.

To prevent baby bottle tooth decay, clean his or her teeth after every feeding and try not to allow bottles to put her to sleep.

4. Bad breath

Persistent bad breath in children (and adults) can have a few different causes, such as:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Cavities
  • Gingivitis
  • Dehydration
  • Sinus or upper respiratory infection
  • ENT problems

Our first recommendation is to ensure your little one is brushing and flossing properly and consistently. If this doesn’t help, schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist or physician, based on his other symptoms.

5. Early tooth loss

Ultimately, all of these oral health issues could lead to tooth loss if they aren’t treated in time. While this may not seem like a big deal because “baby teeth fall out anyway,” early tooth loss comes with serious consequences, like:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Digestive issues
  • Inability to pronounce certain letters
  • Low self-esteem
  • Improper development of permanent teeth

As pediatric dental professionals, we strive to give parents the knowledge and tools help their children avoid these consequences through education and preventive care.

Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids is always prepared to educate parents on the proper oral hygiene practices for their children. We also provide necessary and preventive treatments that reduce oral health problems in kids of all ages.

Contact our friendly team today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule your initial consultation.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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It’s probably pretty rare that you have a conversation with anyone about oral health. Unfortunately, it’s not a hot topic except for those who work in the dental field. Since it is our profession, we find it very interesting, and we’ve discovered quite a few fun facts that you and your child will be interested to learn about!

Whether you’re trying to teach your little one how to take good care of his or her teeth or are trying to hype him up for his first dental appointment, these fun facts about dentistry and oral health should certainly make that process easier.

1. Dental enamel is the strongest substance in the human body.

It’s true! Although dental enamel is also one of the smallest substances in the body, it can withstand an immense amount of pressure and regular wear and tear.

Enamel is made up of two essential proteins: dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSP) and dentin phosphoprotein (DPP). These play two different roles but together create a strong and healthy surface. Click here to learn more about these proteins.

2. Chewing sugarless gum helps prevent cavities.

Many children grow up believing that gum is bad for your teeth. Although some types of gum are, many are actually good for oral health! Sugarless gum helps remove food from between the teeth and clean the surfaces of the teeth. It also contains xylitol which inhibits the growth of bacteria that leads to cavities.

Another fun fact: Santa Anna helped introduce gum to America!

Why this is, we don’t know! But if you or your child have a blue toothbrush, you’re a part of the minority of people who prefer blue over other toothbrush colors. Can you come up with any ideas about why this is true?

4. No mouth is exactly the same.

Forensic dentists use dental records to identify people all the time. Teeth can tell us how old a person is, their ethnicity, and information about a person’s lifestyle and diet. Additionally, the shape, size, and placement of a person’s teeth are unique, like fingerprints.

5. Ida Gray was the first African-American woman to earn a dental degree.

Ida Gray was orphaned as a teenager and faced many challenges growing up. Despite her difficult life, she graduated from the University of Michigan in 1890 with a Doctorate of Dental Surgery, becoming the first African- American woman dentist in the United States.

6. “Bacon” is a toothpaste flavor.

We don’t recommend using bacon toothpaste, but it is available to try! Other bizarre toothpaste flavors include:

  • Mint chocolate
  • Cupcake
  • Wasabi
  • Pumpkin pudding
  • Curry
  • Octopus
  • Eggplant

For the sake of your family and friends, we suggest sticking to mint and cinnamon.

7. Brushing is only 70% effective at cleaning teeth.

Brushing only cleaning the chewing surfaces, fronts, and backs of the teeth. To effectively reduce the risk of cavities, flossing is essential! Be sure your little one is flossing at least once a day to remove the food and bacteria from between the teeth.

Visiting the dentist every six months is another essential part of oral health care. These visits ensure that your child isn’t suffering from tooth decay that could lead to pain, discomfort, and early tooth loss.

To schedule an appointment with our experienced and highly recommended pediatric dentist, Dr. Matt, call (913) 685-9990 today.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Did you know that water was first fluoridated in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1945? This began the study of how fluoride protects children’s teeth. After 11 years, the NIDR found that the cavities rate among children in Grand Rapids dropped more than 60 percent!

Because of this research, almost all community water sources, toothpastes, and mouthwashes today contain fluoride. Dental professionals continue to find ways to prevent cavities and other oral health problems among children and adults.

Although cavities for children may have been inevitable at one point in history, they don’t have to be part of your little one’s childhood! Continue reading to learn the most common reasons for cavities in children as well as tips to prevent them.

Causes of Cavities

Ultimately, cavities develop when sugars and starches cling to the teeth and aren’t removed by brushing, flossing, or rinsing. Bacteria turn these particles from food to acids that contribute to the formation of plaque that eats away at the dental enamel.

The following factors raise a child’s risk of tooth decay:

  1. High consumption of sugar and starches
  2. Low consumption of water
  3. Not drinking fluoridated water (tap water)
  4. Failing to brush and floss daily
  5. Dry mouth caused by medications

Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay

Along with encouraging your little one to drink more water, it’s entirely possible to prevent cavities. Check out these tips from our Overland Park pediatric dentist!

Encourage good oral hygiene

Children (and adults) should brush two times a day and floss once daily. These two practices fight against disease-causing bacteria that lead to cavities by ridding the mouth of sugars and starches that they feed off.

We know that teaching your little one to brush and floss properly and consistently can be challenging, but it is possible!

Start with taking your child to the store to pick out is oral hygiene tools like a cartoon-themed toothbrush and yummy-flavored toothpaste. Then, watch this kid-friendly video together to learn about the importance of oral hygiene and how to brush and floss properly.

Talk with your kid’s pediatric dentist for more helpful tips and tricks.

Offer healthy snacks

What your child eats affects her oral, physical, and mental health. Therefore, it is so important to offer healthy, mouth-friendly snacks for her to eat throughout the day! Protein, dairy, fruits, and veggies are the best food groups to stick to.

Check out this blog to learn about some of our favorite healthy snacks for kids!

Visit the dentist regularly

Dental cleanings and exams aren’t just for adults; children need them too! Children should begin visiting the dentist when their first tooth erupts and every six months after that. A dental cleaning is performed when appropriate, but an exam is completed every single time.

This way, the dentist can track your child’s oral development, check for cavities, and offer personalized tips for a healthy mouth. These appointments are also important because you (the parent) get access to an expert in kids’ oral health. Any and all questions are welcome!

Start Preventing Cavities Today

One of the best ways to put your little one’s oral health on track is to schedule a regular dental cleaning and exam appointment as soon as possible. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, our goal is to help all children live cavity-free lives!

Call (913) 685-9990 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Matt.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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One of the main ways we keep our mouths healthy is by eating nutritious, mouth-friendly foods. As adults, it’s our responsibility to choose our foods well. As parents, we also have the responsibility of choosing healthy snacks for our children. This isn’t always an easy task, especially when your child knows the deliciousness of chips and soda.

Healthy snacks don’t have to be unappealing. That’s why we’re writing this blog! Our hope is that we can help you discover new, convenient, and delicious snacks that your child will love just as much. But first, let’s talk about the dangers of sugary, processed snacks.

Consequences of Sugar-Filled Snacks

Processed foods (mostly foods that come in wrappers) are often filled with hidden sugars that pose a threat to our children’s oral health. These include granola bars, sports drinks, premade soup, low-fat yogurt, BBQ sauce, ketchup, and fruit juice.

It’s no wonder that so many children eat triple the amount of sugar they are supposed to have in a day! Consuming too much sugar doesn’t just affect your child’s teeth and gums, it can also lead to several overall health conditions, including:

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Fatty liver
  • Low energy
  • Depression
  • Acne

Additionally, these children typically have a harder time focusing at school which can lead to poor academic performance.

To help reduce your little one’s sugar intake, check food labels for these ingredients:

  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Honey
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • Sucrose
  • Rice syrup

A general rule is to look for anything that ends in “-ose” and “syrup”! Additionally, sticking to whole, unprocessed foods helps avoid sugar altogether.

Nutrients for a Healthy Mouth

Our mouths, like our bodies, require certain nutrients to function properly. For our mouths, these vitamins and minerals are particularly important:

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A

When we provide these nutrients to our children, we set them up for a lifetime of good oral health.

Healthy Snack Ideas

To get all the vitamins and minerals our mouths and bodies need, we should stick to four food categories: dairy and calcium, fruits and veggies, and proteins. Grains are also important for our overall wellness and should be included in meals.

Here are our favorite kid-and-dentist-approved healthy snacks:

Dairy and Calcium

  • Cottage cheese with fruit
  • A glass of milk
  • Apples with almond butter
  • Fortified orange juice
  • Almonds

Fruits and Veggies

  • Fresh-fruit smoothie with spinach or kale
  • Guacamole with peppers
  • Hummus with carrot, pepper, and celery
  • Kale or zucchini chips
  • Apples and celery dipped in all-natural peanut butter


  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Scrambled eggs with cheese
  • Plain Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts
  • Pepperoni
  • Beef jerky

We know that when you offer these snacks to your little one, you’ll notice a difference in his oral and overall health. Of course, it’s always important to talk with your child’s pediatrician to learn about any allergies or specific dietary needs.

More Oral Hygiene Tips

Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids is passionate about making oral hygiene simple and practical for children and their parents. When you visit our office, your child will receive more than just a dental cleaning and exam; our dentist and hygienists provide helpful tips to ensure your child has a beautiful healthy smile for years to come.

To schedule an appointment with our friendly pediatric dentist, contact our team today at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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A house full of family, playing games, and eating a traditional Thanksgiving meal are some of our favorite things about the Thanksgiving holiday. While this year may look a little different, we hope that it is just as special!

The Thanksgiving meal is full of old family recipes, favorite family dishes, and foods your little one has probably been requesting year-round. Helping your little one maintain a healthy mouth is just as important as making his favorite Thanksgiving dish. That doesn’t mean he has to skip out on anything. In fact, many Thanksgiving staples have oral health benefits.

Continue reading to learn about the benefits of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes and practical tips for helping your family maintain good oral health during the holiday.

The Benefits of Thanksgiving Foods

Most foods have some sort of nutritional value. Here’s how popular Thanksgiving foods benefit oral and overall health:

  • Turkey: This beloved main course is often the star of the show. It is also packed full of protein and low on fat. Turkey contains vitamin b3 which helps support healthy teeth and gums. 
  • Sweet potatoes: For those of us with a sweet tooth, sweet potatoes, also called yams, are a Thanksgiving favorite. They are also full of nutrients that help keep your body and mouth healthy. Of course, yams typically contain loads of butter and brown sugar that may reduce these benefits.
  • Green bean casserole: Green beans, mushrooms, and onions make this dish one of the most nutritious options at a Thanksgiving feast. Green beans, in particular, are full of vitamins and minerals that support healthy skin, bones, and hair.
  • Mac and cheese: We all know that calcium helps build strong bones, and there aren’t many more delicious ways to get calcium than macaroni and cheese! This is a favorite among children, so just make sure your child is getting nutrients from other sources as well!
  • Mashed potatoes: Mashed potatoes are full of nutrients that help regulate blood sugar and improve digestion.
  • Pumpkin pie: The most popular Thanksgiving dessert is pumpkin pie. Apart from the added sugar and whipped cream on top, the pumpkin itself is full of vitamin A which strengthens dental enamel and helps maintain healthy gums.

Thanksgiving Oral Hygiene Tips

The holidays are a time for enjoying and indulging in the good things in life. We won’t ask you or your child to give any of those things up! However, we will offer these tips to help your family maintain healthy mouths.

  1. Encourage your little one to brush and floss her teeth more often during the holidays. Brushing after meals is a great habit to keep
  2. The Thanksgiving meal is full of sugar and calories already, so try to drink only water throughout the day. Water helps clean the mouth of food particles, sugar, and other debris that may lead to cavities and gum disease. Your child won’t have as much of an after-dinner crash, and you’ll feel less bloated!
  3. Portion sizes matter, even on Thanksgiving. Try to fill up your plate with the healthiest options, then when you aren’t as hungry, go back for smaller portions of the not-so-healthy dishes.
  4. If possible, spread the leftovers out among family members. This way, you and your family don’t have three days of Thanksgiving meals instead of just one!
  5. There’s no better way to begin the new year than with a clean and healthy smile. Call to schedule regular dental cleaning appointment for your little one with his or her pediatric dentist. Be sure to do the same for yourself!

Learn More from Dr. Matt

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Matt’s goal is to help your child gain and maintain a healthy smile year-round. For more oral hygiene tips, or to schedule a dental cleaning for your little one, contact our friendly team today at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Oral hygiene doesn’t come naturally to most children—it must be taught! We, of all people, understand that teaching any type of hygiene to kids is no easy task. However, it can be done with consistency, motivation, and a little bit of fun.

In this blog, our pediatric dentist offers dental care tips to help your child maintain a healthy smile. These include proper brushing and flossing techniques, healthy snack ideas, and some ideas for how to make oral hygiene exciting. Continue reading to learn more!

Dental Care Tip #1: Let your child choose his tools.

When your child is old enough to care about the color of his toothbrush or flavor of toothpaste, take him to the store so he can pick out his oral hygiene tools. In most stores, there will be a variety of cartoon character options and tasty flavors (just make sure he knows not to swallow the toothpaste!).

In addition to a toothbrush and toothpaste, have him pick out floss and mouthwash as well. If you aren’t sure which types of tools are best, be sure to talk to a pediatric dentist for recommendations.

Dental Care Tip #2: Make sure she brushes and flosses properly.

Let to their own volition, most children will brush for about ten seconds and skip flossing altogether. Be sure to take the time to teach your child how to brush and floss properly before leaving them on their own.

If you aren’t sure about the proper techniques or just need help explaining them, check out this blog or watch this fun video with your little one!

Dental Care Tip #3: Offer tooth-friendly meals and snacks.

Providing healthy meals and snacks to your child is beneficial in so many ways, including:

  • Quicker brain development
  • Stronger immune system
  • Fewer chances of chronic health problems
  • Better oral health

Along with avoiding sugar as much as possible, serve your child these foods:

  • Fruits and veggies
  • Protein
  • Calcium

Click here for healthy snack ideas for your little one!

Dental Care Tip #4: Watch TV-shows or read books about oral hygiene.

There are several TV-shows and books about the main character visiting the dentist and learning to take care of his or her oral health. Most children are much more inclined to do something when they know their favorite character has done it too!

Here are some shows and books that we recommend:

  • “The Tooth Book” by Dr. Seuss
  • “Ready, set, brush!” By Che Rudko (Sesame Street)
  • “The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist” by Stan Berenstain
  • Peppa Pig
  • Arthur
  • Bubble Guppies

Dental Care Tip #5: Have fun with it!

One of the easiest ways to make oral hygiene fun is to do it together. Join your little one in her bathroom or invite her into yours, put on some music, and brush and floss together! After all, the best way for her to learn is by watching you.

Putting on a two-minute video is another fun and helpful way to get your child to brush for the appropriate amount of time. If your child responds well to rewards, consider creating a sticker chart and offering a prize once he or she has brushed every day for a specific period of time.

Get More Dental Care Tips from Dr. Matt

For dental care tips that are more specific to your child, contact our friendly dental team today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Matt. We can’t wait to meet you!

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Ghosts, witches, haunted houses, and… cavities? Tooth decay shouldn’t be one of the scariest things about Halloween, but for many children, it is! Luckily, there are many ways to prevent cavities from ruining the holidays while still enjoying them to the fullest.

For parents, Halloween can be especially difficult, and with COVID-19, this year may be even more stressful, OR it could be a blessing in disguise. Since so many won’t be going out trick-or-treating, you’ll have more control of what your child receives in his bucket.

Check out these tips and tricks for helping your child avoid cavities this Halloween:

1. Maintain a proper oral hygiene routine

Slacking on oral hygiene from the end of October through February is one of the worst things anyone of any age could do. There’s a big holiday in each of those months and we tend to consume much more sugar (especially the little ones)! The longer sugar sits on the teeth, the more dangerous it becomes.

Brushing in the morning and evening and flossing in the evening will help your child maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in his mouth. To combat the additional sugar and carbs, we encourage our patients to brush after each meal and add a mouthwash to their routine.

2. Make alternative treats

If you’re spending Halloween at home, make your own treats rather than buying bags of candy. This is a great activity for the whole family! Here are some delicious and healthy Halloween-themed treat activities:

  • Clementines and celery sticks (pumpkins)
  • Bananas and chocolate chips (ghosts)
  • White chocolate-covered strawberries with mini-chocolate chips (ghosts)
  • Pineapple, nectarines, whipped cream layered from bottom to top (candy corn cups)

3. Eat more chocolate

Yes, you read that right! Rather than buying fruity, chewy, and sticky candy, buy chocolate instead. Dark chocolate in particular is much better than other candy because it contains polyphenols that reduce bad bacteria in the mouth. Chocolate is also much less likely to stick between or on tops of teeth like jolly ranchers, taffy, and caramels.

4. Drink lots of water

Try to skip out on sodas, juices, and other sugary drinks as much as possible during the holidays—especially Halloween! These just add unnecessary sugars and work against good oral health. Instead, fill your little one’s cup up with water that will help clean her mouth and encourage saliva production.

5. Schedule a regular dental cleaning

Dental cleanings are essential to achieving optimal oral health. Children should visit the dentist at least every six months and right after the holidays is the perfect time! During these appointments, the pediatric dentist will check for signs of cavities, dental abnormalities, and other oral health infections. This permits the dentist to treat issues in the earliest stages and prevent more dental problems in the future.

During this appointment, the pediatric dentist will teach your little one to properly brush and floss and provide tips for you, the parent, on how to help your child have a healthy and beautiful smile.

Celebrate Halloween with us!

If it’s been a while since your little one has been to the dentist, there’s no time like the present! Dr. Matt can help your family start off the holiday season with bright, healthy smiles. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, our goal is to make dental care kid-friendly, positive, and gentle.

Don’t let cavities ruin your holidays. Call (913) 685-9990 to schedule your child’s dental appointment today.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Regular dental exams and cleanings are important for people of all ages, but particularly for children. Attending these appointments will set them up for oral health success in the future! According to the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, children should visit the dentist every six months after their first tooth erupts.

These appointments are imperative for reducing your child’s risk of cavities and other oral and overall health issues. Check out this blog to learn about the benefits of attending dental exams and cleanings every six months.

1. Prevent cavities

The most obvious benefit of dental exams and cleanings is cavity prevention. According to the Center for Pediatric Dentistry, 40 percent of children have dental decay by the time they start kindergarten and 60 percent of children in elementary school suffer from decay. Most of the time, these instances of decay are completely preventable when children practice proper oral hygiene, eat properly, and attend dental exams and cleanings every six months.

These visits are essential to maintaining a healthy mouth because dentists are able to reach the parts that are often neglected. Dentists can also treat decay early on, so it doesn’t become an issue later.

2. Keeps bad breath away

If you notice that your child has bad breath, a professional dental cleaning can usually nip it in the bud! No one wants to be known as the “kid with bad breath” at school. Be sure to schedule your child’s dental appointments every six months to make sure he never is!

3. Keeps parents up-to-date on oral hygiene practices

Another major aspect of preventing oral health problems is education. Many parents have never heard of the term “baby bottle tooth decay” which occurs when a child’s teeth are exposed to liquids containing sugar over a long period of time. When you visit the pediatric dentist, he can explain how to prevent this and several other oral health issues your little one may face!

As your child grows, his oral hygiene will change. During these six-month visits, the pediatric dentist can explain what steps need to be taken at home to help your little one maintain a healthy mouth. The dentist will use language that both you and your child will understand.

4. Promotes self-confidence

As adults, we know the power of a beautiful and healthy smile. When a person feels confident about their teeth, they are more likely to smile and be comfortable in most social situations, therefore affecting how they feel and how those around them feel. In fact, studies have shown that people with beautiful smiles are perceived as smarter and more successful!

5. Encourages good oral hygiene

When children understand why oral hygiene is important, they are more likely to practice it! Children’s dentists are better at explaining this than most—that’s why they get paid for it! Additionally, your child’s dentist will model proper brushing and flossing techniques that she can emulate at home.

Attending dental exams and cleanings every six months keeps oral hygiene in the forefront of you and your child’s mind so that you never neglect your mouth and open it up to decay and disease. We want your little one to achieve optimal oral health just as much as you do!

Dental Exams and Cleanings for Kids in Overland Park

If you’re searching for a great pediatric dentist in the Overland Park area, check out Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids. Call us today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule your child’s first appointment.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Along with practicing good oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing, parents must encourage their children to eat a nutritious diet that promotes strong teeth and healthy gums. This process is much easier when parents focus on providing nutritious meals for their child at a young age because he or she will begin to crave nutritious foods instead of unhealthy ones. Just like with adults, children can become addicted to sugary foods that lead to cavities and gum disease. Because of this, it’s best to stay away from sugar-laden snacks, drinks, and candy.

If you’re having a hard time convincing your child to eat his fruits and veggies, we’re here to help! Our pediatric dentist knows what kids like and how parents can encourage healthy eating habits without all the drama.

Here are three categories of delicious and nutritious snack ideas that all (okay, most) kids love:

1. Fruits and veggies

Fruits and veggies aren’t just simple snacks, they promote mouth health in several ways. Oranges, broccoli, green and red peppers, leafy greens, and strawberries contain high levels of Vitamin C that protect the teeth and gums from disease-causing bacteria and cell damage. Crispy fruits and uncooked veggies also help clean plaque from teeth.

It may be difficult to get your little one to eat plain fruits and veggies. We recommend providing a yogurt fruit dip or ranch dressing for dipping that will make these foods irresistible!

Here are more ways to serve fruits and veggies:

  • Zucchini chips
  • Sweet potato chips
  • Kale chips
  • Guacamole with pita wedges
  • Pepper nachos
  • Hummus
  • Celery and apples with low-sugar peanut butter
  • Peanut butter and banana sandwich
  • Fresh fruit smoothie

2. Protein

Many of the same foods that contain protein also contain phosphorous, both of which protect and rebuild tooth enamel. You’ll find these nutrients in red meats, chicken, fish, milk, and eggs.

Here are some high protein snacks your child will love:

  • Jerky, salami, and pepperoni
  • Sliced turkey or ham
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Greek yogurt
  • Hummus
  • Edamame
  • Oven-baked onion rings
  • Roasted chickpeas

Though protein bars are convenient—and let’s face it, all kids love them—they are usually very high in sugar.  It’s better for children and adults to get their protein from more natural sources like those we listed above.

3. Calcium

We all know that milk supports strong bones, but did you know that includes teeth? Furthermore, milk creates a protective barrier so that disease-causing bacteria can’t infiltrate the teeth and gums. So, while we recommend children drink mostly water throughout the day, a glass or two of milk is definitely beneficial.

In addition to milk, there are several other calcium-rich foods for your little one to snack on throughout the day, including:

  • String cheese
  • Almonds
  • Yogurt
  • Fortified orange juice
  • Apples and almond butter
  • Blueberries and cottage cheese
  • Yogurt and fruit parfaits
  • Scrambled eggs with cheese

Foods to Avoid

The key to helping your child maintain good oral health is to avoid sugar as much as possible. Eating too much sugar is one of the main causes of cavities, and contributes to childhood obesity and malnutrition.

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to spot sugar on a food label. It may be disguised as “high fructose corn syrup”, “rice syrup”, “fructose”, “sucrose”, and several other names. To learn more about how sugar affects your child and its many names, check out this blog.

Learn More from Our Pediatric Dentist

If you’d like to know more about how to ensure your little one grows up with a healthy, beautiful smile, call our friendly dental team today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule an initial consultation with our pediatric dentist, Dr. Matt.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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Brushing and flossing are two of the first things we teach our children about hygiene. Parents begin this process as soon as their child’s first tooth emerges, and children learn by watching their parents care for their own teeth. Though brushing and flossing for adults are simple and sensible, children don’t always view them the same way.

The first step to helping children understand why oral hygiene is important is to explain why we do it. Of course, we know that brushing and flossing are two of the best defenses against tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease. Tell that to your little one and he or she may not understand.

Find a way to describe the process that’s fun for your child. Describe the plaque in their mouth as the “bad guys” and the toothbrush and floss as the “good guys” and create a fun story for them to be a part of.

Continue reading for more helpful brushing and flossing tips from our children’s dentist!

Proper Techniques

It’s not enough for someone to just have a toothbrush or floss in their mouth two times a day; these tools must be used properly. Be sure to use the following guidelines when teaching your child how to brush and floss.


To encourage brushing, we recommend allowing your child to pick out their toothbrush and toothpaste at the store. Just be sure to ask your dentist about the best toothpaste for your little one! Once he or she has the tools picked out, follow this technique:

  • Place a pea-sized dollop of fluoride toothpaste on the toothbrush
  • Brush the top, front, and back sides of each tooth in small circles
  • Don’t forget the tongue and roof!
  • Spit and rinse

Check out this video for a kid-friendly way to explain this technique!


There are two types of floss: traditional and dental floss picks. For children, dental floss picks may be easier in the beginning, but we encourage parents to teach their children how to use traditional floss as it is more effective.

Here are the proper techniques for both types of floss.


  • Take about 18 inches of string
  • Wrap most of it around one finger (we recommend the pointer)
  • Wind the rest around the opposite finger—not too tightly!
  • Bring the floss up one side of a tooth and down the other
  • Be sure to reach all the way down to the gum lines
  • After cleaning each tooth, unwind the floss from one finger and collect it with the other

Floss picks:

  • Move the floss up and down the sides of each tooth, paying close attention to the gum line
  • Rinse the floss after cleaning each tooth
  • Replace the pick when the string looks worn

Make It Fun!

Many adults find oral hygiene to be boring and unnecessary. That’s why we aren’t surprised when parents tell us that their child refuses to practice good oral hygiene.

If that’s the case for you, try these three tips from our children’s dentist:

  1. Make it a family event. Invite your little one into the bathroom with you and other family members, put some music on, and make brushing and flossing a party!
  2. Use rewards. Create a brushing and flossing chart with stickers that show your child getting closer and closer to a reward. Once he or she reaches that mark, go for ice cream or to the store to pick out a toy—you know what your child likes best!
  3. Utilize technology. Sometimes a distraction is exactly what we need to get something done. Allow your little one to watch a video or listen to her favorite song while she brushes and flosses.

For More Brushing and Flossing Tips

Want to know more about your child’s oral health and hygiene? Call our friendly dental team today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Matt.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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