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A healthy, happy child—it’s what we all desire for our kids, right? Many times, health and happiness are intertwined. This is especially true when it comes to oral health.

When a child’s mouth health declines, their smile usually fades away as well. Our pediatric dental team aims to help parents help their children achieve and maintain optimal oral health through preventive treatments.

Some of the most common preventive treatments for children include:

  • Dental cleanings
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Dental sealants
  • Space maintainers
  • Mouthguards

Of course, there are so many things parents can do at home to give their child the best chance at a healthy smile. Creating a consistent oral hygiene routine, offering healthy meals and snacks, and ensuring their child drinks plenty of water.

Here are three reasons why preventive dentistry is so important for children:

1. Better overall health

The link between oral and overall health is extremely evident. When our mouths aren’t healthy, our body suffers and vice versa.

For example, children who experience early tooth loss because of poor oral hygiene often suffer from poor nutrition which can affect their ability to function well at home and school. Cavities and gum disease are caused by disease-causing bacteria that the body must fight against. This bacterium can cause inflammation all throughout the body, including the brain. Gum disease has also been connected to pancreatic and kidney diseases.

Teaching your little one proper oral hygiene techniques and bringing him to the dentist every six months doesn’t just ensure he avoids smelly breath and cavities, it also attributes to a healthier body and mind. That’s an investment worth making!

2. Proper dental and oral development

When a child experiences early tooth loss, the adjacent teeth will likely shift into the open space, causing serious alignment issues. These children will need braces in the future to correct the problem. Unfortunately, alignment problems can also lead to cavities and gum disease because of an inability to thoroughly clean the teeth.

As far as oral development goes, children with an unhealthy mouth or who have missing teeth may struggle to pronounce certain words and sounds. Children don’t typically begin to lose their primary (or baby) teeth until six years old, so their permanent teeth won’t be ready to erupt until then as well.

3. Good self-esteem

Something as small as persistent bad breath can negatively affect a child’s self-esteem and mental health. On the other hand, a healthy smile can add to a confident, happy, and self-assured life.

As an adult, it isn’t hard to imagine what it would be like to live with an incomplete or imperfect smile. Low self-confidence can make our social lives nearly nonexistent, hinder our job prospects, and negatively affect our overall happiness and success.

The impact is the same for children, except instead of work, it’s school. Children with good self-esteem are more likely to do well in school, try new things, and lead a more fulfilling life. Preventive dentistry helps get them there! 

Preventive Dentistry for Kids in Overland Park

The first step towards helping your child achieve optimal oral health is to find an experienced and compassionate pediatric dentist. Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids is living his dream of helping children gain and maintain healthy smiles. We are conveniently located and excited to serve your family!

Call our office today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule an appointment.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
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This year, Valentine’s Day lands on a Sunday, which means we have an entire day to celebrate! It can be difficult to find ways to incorporate children into Valentine’s Day since it’s usually a day just for mom and dad. While we do hope the two of you have some alone time together, the holiday can be just as fun, if not even more fun, with little ones around.

We can’t think of a better way to celebrate love than to share it with the ones we love the most. Here are seven ideas to make Valentine’s Day fun a celebration for your whole family:

1. Make a love-themed breakfast together

Start the day off right with heart-shaped pancakes, strawberries, or raspberry-glazed cinnamon rolls. We also love this “Love Toast” recipe! Have some fun in the kitchen by making breakfast together and enjoy the delicious meal around the table.

Children and adults should remember to brush their teeth before breakfast to protect the enamel. If your meal consists of lots of sugar and carbs, be sure to drink plenty of water while eating and consider brushing again 30 minutes after.

2. Share a love story

Valentine’s Day is a great day to share your own love story with your children. What kid doesn’t want to know how their parents met and fell in love? If for some reason you aren’t comfortable with that, share someone else’s love story!

3. Dance to your favorite love songs

Family dance parties are the best. This holiday is a great time to teach your child about your favorite songs and dance moves, including how to properly slow dance, two-step, or waltz. If you don’t know these dances, pull up a YouTube video and learn as a family.

4. Make Valentine’s Day cards for St. Jude patients, the elderly in nursing homes, or veterans

In the days leading up to Valentine’s Day, consider making cards for those who need them most. This provides the opportunity to talk about how to love others who are going through a difficult time.

Several organizations deliver cards to St. Jude, nursing homes, and veterans. Your family may also be able to drive to a nursing home or veterans’ home and deliver the cards yourselves! Be sure to call ahead of time to learn about any COVID restrictions.

Regardless of how the cards get there, the feeling of making someone else’s day better will be so rewarding.

5. Make chocolate-covered strawberries

Did you know that both chocolate and strawberries are beneficial to teeth? When eaten in moderation, dark chocolate helps limit oral bacteria that cause bad breath. It can also stop bacteria from turning sugar and starches into acid.

The malic acid in strawberries is a natural whitener, so eating strawberries can actually brighten your smile! Additionally, they also contain Vitamin C which aids in the fight against gum disease.

Remember to eat these in moderation; too many strawberries can break down dental enamel and lead to decay.

6. Get crafty

Kids love crafts. We know that the idea of doing crafts at home can be overwhelming, but it’s a great way to make new memories and new decorations for next year! Check out this blog for easy and fun Valentine’s Day crafts for kids.

7. Dress up and go on a special date

For a more traditional holiday, get everyone dressed in their best outfits and head to your favorite restaurant or order food and have a restaurant-style dinner at home. During the family date, share things you love about one another as well as your favorite parts of the day.

One Final Tip for Valentine’s Day

In all the fun and excitement, don’t forget to take care of your teeth and encourage your little one to do the same. An easy way to do this is to start and end the day by brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

If your child hasn’t had a regular dental cleaning or exam this year, now is a great time to schedule it! Contact our Overland Park pediatric dental team today at (913) 685-9990 to make an appointment with Dr. Matt

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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In our opinion, oral health care isn’t talked about enough especially when it comes to infants and children. This leaves parents with dozens of questions about how to care for their little ones’ teeth and gums. Proper and effective oral care is so important at these ages because it lays the foundation for good oral development and hygiene practices.

The importance of children’s dentistry cannot be stressed enough. From the time a baby develops her first tooth, she should be visiting the dentist every six months (this applies to you, too, mom and dad!). The bi-annual appointments ensure your child is developing appropriately and not suffering from any oral health problems.

Want to learn more? Here are our answers to the five most common questions about children’s dentistry:

1. Why are baby teeth important?

Most people understand that adult teeth are important, but since baby teeth (aka milk teeth) fall out, they seem much less necessary. This simply isn’t true. Milk teeth provide infants, toddlers, and children with the ability to chew foods (which aids in digestion) and speak with proper pronunciation.

Can you imagine what life would be like for a child of school-age who didn’t have teeth? Much, much more difficult! This is why we take oral hygiene so seriously. Without proper care, children can experience early tooth loss because of cavities.

2. What’s the difference between a children’s dentist and a regular dentist?

A children’s dentist, also known as a pediatric dentist, specializes in oral health care and development in infants, toddlers, children, and teens. To practice children’s dentistry, the dentist must complete two more years of school than general dentists.

Children are our specialty! Our training and experience equip us to appropriately treat children with oral health problems and answer questions about the best oral hygiene practices for kids.

3. What if my child is afraid of the dentist?

Dental fear is common for children, especially during their first visit. As parents, you can do several things to help your child overcome dental fear, such as:

  • Speak positively about your past experiences with the dentist
  • Watch TV shows that portray dental visits as happy
  • Read books about visiting the dentist
  • Play “dentist and patient” at home

Unfortunately, these won’t help every child. In cases where a child has severe anxiety or fear, the pediatric dentist may recommend IV sedation.

4. How do thumb sucking and pacifier habits affect oral health?

Before age three, there aren’t any consequences to thumb sucking and pacifier habits. These are natural reflexes that become a habit for most children. However, after age three, these habits may cause problems with the growth of the mouth and position of the teeth.

Talk to your child’s pediatric dentist for tips on how to wean him or her off the pacifier or thumb sucking.

5. What qualities should I look for in a pediatric dentist?

Finding a great pediatric dentist should be as simple as searching for the closest one to your home. Unfortunately, not all dentists provide high-quality care. When researching “children’s dentistry near me” or “pediatric dentist near me,” look for these qualities:

  • A kid-friendly environment
  • Good patient reviews
  • A dentist who is passionate about children and dentistry
  • Consistency
  • Individualized care

Have more questions? Live in the Overland Park, KS area? Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids is prepared to answer all your questions and help you help your child achieve optimal oral health. Contact our team today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule an initial consultation.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Yes, you read that right. Your kid’s pediatric dentist is encouraging you to celebrate National Chocolate Cake Day. Why? We think this is a great excuse to make a special memory with your child while enjoying one of the most delicious desserts!

Plus, good oral health doesn’t mean we can never indulge. It’s important to teach our children about balance which includes having a sweet treat once in a while. This can also be an opportunity to teach him or her about how to care for our mouths after eating dessert.

How to Celebrate National Chocolate Cake Day

The answer is obvious: eat some chocolate cake! We recommend making a classic recipe, like this one, or a family recipe. If you want to stay away from sugar, try this recipe!

Baking with your little one can be such a fun experience for you both. Don’t worry about making a mess—that’s part of it! Instead, focus on having conversations about the family member whose recipe your using, your other favorite desserts, how school is going, or the history of chocolate cake! Here are a few fun facts:

  • The first chocolate cake recipe was published in 1847 by Eliza Leslie (you can find it here)
  • Before this, chocolate was only consumed as a beverage
  • The first boxed cake mix was released in the 1920s
  • Dr. James Baker discovered how to make chocolate in 1764 by grinding cocoa beans

If you don’t have time to bake a cake yourselves, stop by your favorite bakery to pick up a cake or a few slices to eat together.

Oral Health Tips for After Eating Sweets from Our Pediatric Dentist

Once the baking, eating, and cleaning have commenced, the oral hygiene process should begin! We can’t say it will be quite as fun, but it is certainly necessary for helping you and your little one avoid cavities.

Here are four tips for taking care of teeth after eating a sweet treat:

1. Drink water or milk

Skip out on the sugary beverages like juice and soda, and drink either water or milk with your cake. Continue to drink it afterward as well.

Water and milk can rid the teeth and gums of any stray food particles in the mouth that may lead to cavities. Encourage your little one to swish some of his beverage around to ensure no cake is stuck to his teeth.

Milk is especially beneficial because it forms a protective film on the teeth, helps repair damage, neutralizes acid and sugar, and encourages saliva production.

2. Wait 30 minutes

Don’t send your child to brush his or her teeth immediately after eating. Doing so could actually lead to more damage! Wait at least 30 minutes before brushing or flossing.

3. Brush

After the 30 minutes is up, you and your little one should brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste for two minutes.

4. Floss

Toothbrushes can’t get between the teeth, so flossing is extremely important! Make sure your child cleans between all of her teeth to remove any cake that could lead to cavities.

Need help teaching your child how to brush and floss? Check out these tips from our pediatric dentist, Dr. Matt.

To learn more about our practice or for more tips on how to care for your child’s mouth, contact our friendly dental team today at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
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At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, it’s our privilege to serve the Overland Park community by providing kid-friendly, compassionate, and excellent dental care. If you’re new to the area or are just searching for a new pediatric dentist, we would love to meet with you! Until then, check out this blog to learn more about our dental practice.

But first, let us introduce you to our pediatric dentist!

Dr. Matt

Running his own pediatric dental practice has always been Dr. Matt’s dream. In doing so, he is able to teach kids and their families about the dangers of tooth decay and how to avoid it in a fun, non-clinical environment.

Dr. Matt’s education at the UMKC School of Dentistry and the Pediatric Dentistry at Northwestern University has prepared him to be an incredible resource for parents. The countless hours of hands-on experience he received at Children’s Memorial Hospital has equipped him to provide excellent care to children and teens.

All of this combined with his passion for working with children, flexibility, and high energy, make him the best choice for children’s dentistry in Overland Park.

Dr. Matt has worked hard to create an office where our patients and their parents feel welcome and cared for. Part of this is ensuring that we consistently create enjoyable experiences.

At our pediatric dentist office, here’s what you can always expect:

Personalized Care

We recognize that every child is unique which means that every child requires unique care. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, that’s what they get!

Our team gets to know you and your little one so that he or she can have the best dental experience possible. Does your child have a favorite TV show or book character? Is he more shy or outgoing? Does she play a certain sport? We take these into consideration before every single appointment! Knowing more about our patients makes the entire dental experience better for all parties involved.

No Surprises

Dental insurance can be complicated, but our administrative team works diligently to ensure you’re never surprised by unexpected expenses. We have a comprehensive understanding of your benefits and will communicate those effectively, so you always know what to expect.

Additionally, we strive to be consistent in every area of our practice because we know that familiarity brings comfort.


Every patient deserves to receive diligent care from focused dental professionals. This way, we never miss an oral health care problem that needs to be addressed or an opportunity to teach your little one how to care for his teeth properly (that is our job after all!).


Consistency is so important for children because it helps dissolve worrisome feelings. Dr. Matt understands that being a consistent figure in your child’s life will make sure going to the dentist is never a cause for fear or anxiety. This means, your child will always meet with Dr. Matt and no one else for every single appointment.

This isn’t just beneficial for our patients; Dr. Matt loves building relationships with his patients. He is just as excited about dentistry as he is about working with children, so every appointment is his dream come true!

Schedule an Initial Consultation

When you and your little one are ready, we’re here for you. Call (913) 685-9990 to schedule your child’s first visit.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
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For children, oral hygiene begins as soon as their first tooth erupts, so usually around six months old. The thought of brushing one tiny tooth may seem silly, but taking care of that little tooth is just as important as if he or she had a whole mouth full of teeth!

All parents want their children to grow up to be healthy and happy. That’s why we take them to doctor’s visits, provide nutritious foods, and ensure they’re getting enough exercise. Taking your little one to dental exams and cleanings every six months is just one more way to ensure he is as healthy as can be.

Are baby teeth important?

Your little one’s teeth are just as important to her as yours are to you. Take a minute to think about what your life would be like without healthy, functioning teeth. Chewing and speaking would certainly be more difficult, and you’d probably struggle with insecurity. The same is true for your child! Without them, she can’t chew or speak properly, therefore, we do all we can to preserve them!

This means reducing the risk of cavities, baby bottle tooth decay, and tooth loss (until the proper time). When a baby tooth falls out too soon, there may not be room for the permanent tooth to emerge which could lead to dental misalignment and crowding. One of the best ways to interfere with these dental issues is to bring your child to the dentist two times a year.

What happens during kids’ dental exams and cleanings?

For children three and under, these appointments look much different than regular cleanings and exams. The pediatric dentist will examine your little one’s mouth and may do a fluoride treatment. During the exam, the dentist will make sure all of his baby teeth are developing properly and that the teeth and gums are healthy.

For older children, the pediatric dentist or dental hygienist will perform a regular dental cleaning when necessary.

One of the most important parts of these visits is that you (the parent) will learn about proper oral hygiene for your child. This includes:

  • Proper brushing and flossing techniques
  • How to clean the gums after feeding
  • Types of toothpaste
  • Thumb and pacifier habits
  • Baby bottle tooth decay
  • Cavity prevention
  • Nutrition

These topics are ones that most parents never really think about until it’s too late. Our goal as pediatric dental professionals is to set your little one up for a life of good oral health!

What are the benefits of bringing my child to the dentist regularly?

Aside from being a steppingstone to optimal oral health, regular visits to the dentist offer these benefits to children:

  1. A positive perception of dentists: Many children grow up hearing about how horrible dental appointments are. When they have first-hand experience, they are much less likely to believe that. Our pediatric dentist works hard to ensure every little patient of ours loves his or her time at our dental practice.
  2. Promotes good habits: When you prioritize oral health for your child, she will likely do the same when she’s older!
  3. Provides oral health records: In an emergency, it is so important to have health records on hand. This way, the experts can spend their time on the issue at hand, not trying to catch up on the patient’s history.

Dental Cleanings and Exams for Kids in Overland Park

It’s never too late to bring your child to the dentist for the first time. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we’re happy to provide fun, compassionate, and personalized dental care for kids of all ages. To schedule a first visit with Dr. Matt, call us today at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
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At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we strive to create a positive environment for our patients (and we must say, we’re pretty good at it!). We never want the dental office to be a place that kids fear or dread which is why Dr. Matt is so intentional about how he runs his dental practice.

Part of enjoying a visit to your dental office is knowing what to expect, but that’s nearly impossible when you’ve never been to a place before. While you may have been to other dentist offices, ours is unique in the best ways.

Here’s what your child can expect at their first visit to our pediatric dental office:

Friendly and Fun Environment

From the time you and your little one walk in our doors, our team will treat you like family. We prioritize providing quality care for children and teens, but we want the experience to be pleasant for the entire family.

Our office is full of bright colors that will surely grab your child’s attention, and Dr. Matt uses props that are sure to keep him or her engaged while learning about oral hygiene.

Discussion About Oral Hygiene Habits

Education about oral hygiene is so important for children and their parents. As your little one grows, he will need to change his oral hygiene routine accordingly and parents are most likely the ones who will enforce those!

During the first visit and each one after that, Dr. Matt and his team will talk with you about your child’s specific oral health needs and how to address those at home.

Some topics that may be covered include:

  • Baby bottle tooth decay
  • Types of toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • Thumb and pacifier habits
  • Cavity prevention
  • Flossing techniques

Oral Exam

While an oral exam is normal and expected for adults, children are often nervous about it. You can prepare your child for this part of the appointment by playing “dentist” at home and using your finger to count his or her teeth.

During the exam at your dental office, the dentist or dental hygienist will check to ensure your child’s teeth, gums, and jaw are healthy and functioning properly.

Dental Cleaning

Regular dental cleanings are absolutely necessary for preventing cavities and ensuring your child’s teeth develop properly. This is another part of the appointment that may make your child nervous, but it shouldn’t! Our hygienists are extremely gentle to ensure the experience is comfortable and pain-free.

We recommend reading a book or watching a TV show about visiting the dentist before coming so your little one is more comfortable in the chair.

Check out this blog for tips to prepare your child for their first visit to your local pediatric dental office.

Contact Your Local Pediatric Dental Office Today

Now that you and your child know what to expect, it’s time to schedule that appointment! Another thing you can expect from us is punctuality. We will always respect your time, so don’t expect to be in the waiting room for very long! In fact, we encourage families to arrive at least ten minutes early to complete any paperwork before being called back to one of our private operatory rooms.

Dr. Matt and his team are excited to have you and your family become a part of ours. Call 913-685-9990 today to schedule your child’s first visit to Smiles Dentistry for Kids.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Ghosts, witches, haunted houses, and… cavities? Tooth decay shouldn’t be one of the scariest things about Halloween, but for many children, it is! Luckily, there are many ways to prevent cavities from ruining the holidays while still enjoying them to the fullest.

For parents, Halloween can be especially difficult, and with COVID-19, this year may be even more stressful, OR it could be a blessing in disguise. Since so many won’t be going out trick-or-treating, you’ll have more control of what your child receives in his bucket.

Check out these tips and tricks for helping your child avoid cavities this Halloween:

1. Maintain a proper oral hygiene routine

Slacking on oral hygiene from the end of October through February is one of the worst things anyone of any age could do. There’s a big holiday in each of those months and we tend to consume much more sugar (especially the little ones)! The longer sugar sits on the teeth, the more dangerous it becomes.

Brushing in the morning and evening and flossing in the evening will help your child maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in his mouth. To combat the additional sugar and carbs, we encourage our patients to brush after each meal and add a mouthwash to their routine.

2. Make alternative treats

If you’re spending Halloween at home, make your own treats rather than buying bags of candy. This is a great activity for the whole family! Here are some delicious and healthy Halloween-themed treat activities:

  • Clementines and celery sticks (pumpkins)
  • Bananas and chocolate chips (ghosts)
  • White chocolate-covered strawberries with mini-chocolate chips (ghosts)
  • Pineapple, nectarines, whipped cream layered from bottom to top (candy corn cups)

3. Eat more chocolate

Yes, you read that right! Rather than buying fruity, chewy, and sticky candy, buy chocolate instead. Dark chocolate in particular is much better than other candy because it contains polyphenols that reduce bad bacteria in the mouth. Chocolate is also much less likely to stick between or on tops of teeth like jolly ranchers, taffy, and caramels.

4. Drink lots of water

Try to skip out on sodas, juices, and other sugary drinks as much as possible during the holidays—especially Halloween! These just add unnecessary sugars and work against good oral health. Instead, fill your little one’s cup up with water that will help clean her mouth and encourage saliva production.

5. Schedule a regular dental cleaning

Dental cleanings are essential to achieving optimal oral health. Children should visit the dentist at least every six months and right after the holidays is the perfect time! During these appointments, the pediatric dentist will check for signs of cavities, dental abnormalities, and other oral health infections. This permits the dentist to treat issues in the earliest stages and prevent more dental problems in the future.

During this appointment, the pediatric dentist will teach your little one to properly brush and floss and provide tips for you, the parent, on how to help your child have a healthy and beautiful smile.

Celebrate Halloween with us!

If it’s been a while since your little one has been to the dentist, there’s no time like the present! Dr. Matt can help your family start off the holiday season with bright, healthy smiles. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, our goal is to make dental care kid-friendly, positive, and gentle.

Don’t let cavities ruin your holidays. Call (913) 685-9990 to schedule your child’s dental appointment today.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Cool, crisp air, beautiful foliage, and cozy jackets are the beginnings of many great family traditions and memories. Whether you’re an outdoors person or you’d rather stay inside, there are several fall activities to do with your little ones! Check out this blog for community fall events and activities as well as ideas for a fun day at home.

Fall Activities and Events in Overland Park

There’s no shortage of activities and events going on in our community right now, and we want you to be a part of them! Check out all the fall activities going on in Overland Park below. Also, please remember to check the websites for COVID-19 guidelines!

Virtual Trunk or Treat with Police

This event begins on October 14th and ends on October 20th. To participate, you must register by October 16. You can register to participate in two of the four categories, which include:

  • Most creative, original, and best costume and makeup
  • Scariest costume
  • “Movie Mania”
  • “Back the Blue”

Additionally, participants will decorate the trunk, tailgate, or hatchback of their vehicle. Each participant will submit pictures of their costumes and decorations online.

For more information about participation guidelines, submitting, voting, and judging, check out the event webpage:

Luminary walk

The Luminary Walk is an Overland Park tradition that includes:

  • A family walk through lit pathways in the Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens
  • Gnome and fairy houses
  • Light displays
  • Family photo-op spots
  • Musical performances
  • Horse-drawn wagon ride through the forest

This is a great event for children of all ages!

Check out the event information page for more details.

Farmers’ Market

The Overland Park Farmers’ Market is open every Saturday morning from 8:00-12:00 at the Matt Ross Community Center. Bring your kids along and let them pick out their favorite fall vegetable or fruit and cook with it at home later!

For more information click here.

Visit a Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin patches are a must-do fall activity for all families! Thankfully, there’s no shortage of options around Overland Park. Here’s a list of a few of the different pumpkin patches in our area:

Cider Hill Family Orchard

Cider Hill Family Orchard is a “u-pick” orchard and so much more! You and your little one can enjoy delicious cider donuts, kettle corn, and apple cider slushes around a fire pit, shop in the cottage store, and take a hayride. Children can also take part in a train ride!

Check out their website for more information.

At Home Fall Activities

There are so many fall activities that you and your children can do at your favorite place—HOME. Check out these fun ideas:

  • Jump into a pile of leaves: Be fun and productive by raking up all the leaves in the yard, then jump into them!
  • DIY Halloween costumes: Fall is a great time to get creative. Have a Halloween costume contest using only what you have at home!
  • Bob for apples: What’s easier than putting apples in a bucket of water? Not much! Plus, it makes for great entertainment.
  • Fall-themed movie night: We all have our favorite Halloween or fall-themed movies. Introduce your little ones to the classics like The Great Pumpkin and Hocus Pocus.
  • Make a craft with leaves: Pinterest is full of fall craft ideas! Send your little one outside to find some colorful leaves, then create something beautiful together.

Your Overland Park Children’s Dentist

Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids is here to help parents make the best of every season and help them provide proper dental care for their little ones. In the midst of a fun and busy season, don’t forget to bring your child in for a regular dental cleaning and exam!

Call (913) 685-9990 to schedule an appointment.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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Regular dental exams and cleanings are important for people of all ages, but particularly for children. Attending these appointments will set them up for oral health success in the future! According to the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, children should visit the dentist every six months after their first tooth erupts.

These appointments are imperative for reducing your child’s risk of cavities and other oral and overall health issues. Check out this blog to learn about the benefits of attending dental exams and cleanings every six months.

1. Prevent cavities

The most obvious benefit of dental exams and cleanings is cavity prevention. According to the Center for Pediatric Dentistry, 40 percent of children have dental decay by the time they start kindergarten and 60 percent of children in elementary school suffer from decay. Most of the time, these instances of decay are completely preventable when children practice proper oral hygiene, eat properly, and attend dental exams and cleanings every six months.

These visits are essential to maintaining a healthy mouth because dentists are able to reach the parts that are often neglected. Dentists can also treat decay early on, so it doesn’t become an issue later.

2. Keeps bad breath away

If you notice that your child has bad breath, a professional dental cleaning can usually nip it in the bud! No one wants to be known as the “kid with bad breath” at school. Be sure to schedule your child’s dental appointments every six months to make sure he never is!

3. Keeps parents up-to-date on oral hygiene practices

Another major aspect of preventing oral health problems is education. Many parents have never heard of the term “baby bottle tooth decay” which occurs when a child’s teeth are exposed to liquids containing sugar over a long period of time. When you visit the pediatric dentist, he can explain how to prevent this and several other oral health issues your little one may face!

As your child grows, his oral hygiene will change. During these six-month visits, the pediatric dentist can explain what steps need to be taken at home to help your little one maintain a healthy mouth. The dentist will use language that both you and your child will understand.

4. Promotes self-confidence

As adults, we know the power of a beautiful and healthy smile. When a person feels confident about their teeth, they are more likely to smile and be comfortable in most social situations, therefore affecting how they feel and how those around them feel. In fact, studies have shown that people with beautiful smiles are perceived as smarter and more successful!

5. Encourages good oral hygiene

When children understand why oral hygiene is important, they are more likely to practice it! Children’s dentists are better at explaining this than most—that’s why they get paid for it! Additionally, your child’s dentist will model proper brushing and flossing techniques that she can emulate at home.

Attending dental exams and cleanings every six months keeps oral hygiene in the forefront of you and your child’s mind so that you never neglect your mouth and open it up to decay and disease. We want your little one to achieve optimal oral health just as much as you do!

Dental Exams and Cleanings for Kids in Overland Park

If you’re searching for a great pediatric dentist in the Overland Park area, check out Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids. Call us today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule your child’s first appointment.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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