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When it comes to staying hydrated and healthy, water is the best option. Juice, soda, tea, milk, and sports drinks all have benefits (well, maybe not soda), but they also have several negative effects. For example, children who drink milk right before bedtime are much more likely to develop cavities than children who drink water at nighttime. Sports drinks, sodas, and juices are also filled with sugars that interrupt the health of the oral microbiome.

While it may take some convincing, it’s worth it to get your little one to drink more water! Here are the benefits of water for oral health:

1. Water can strengthen dental enamel.

Since 1945, fluoride has been added to public water systems. Fluoridated water has proven itself as one of the best defenses against childhood tooth decay. When children drink water that contains fluoride, it mixes with saliva and remineralizes and strengthens dental enamel, lessening their chances of developing cavities.

If your child is drinking mostly bottled water, he probably isn’t experiencing these benefits! Be sure to find a bottled water that contains fluoride to reduce your child’s risk of tooth decay.

2. Water cleans the mouth.

Unlike sugary drinks, water rids the mouth of food particles and cavity-causing bacteria without leaving anything behind. Sports drinks, soda, juice, and even milk leave unwanted sugar and acids lingering on the teeth and gums that can cause cavities.

Water also removes stains that could cause your child’s teeth to become dull or yellow. Sugary, dark-colored drinks are one of the most common teeth-staining agents.

3. Water helps the mouth produce more saliva.

Did you know that saliva actually plays a very significant role in your child’s oral health? More concerning than your little one producing too much saliva is when he or she isn’t producing enough!

Saliva helps us break down and digest food properly and keeps us from experiencing dry mouth (which can be extremely uncomfortable!). The more water your little one drinks, the better she will digest food and avoid dry mouth.

Check out this blog to learn how to help your little one if he or she is experiencing dry mouth.

4. Water doesn’t contain any sugar.

Children over two years of age and older should consume no more than 25 grams of sugar per day. Just one apple juice box can contain 23 grams of sugar!

Not only does sugar contribute to cavities, but it also contributes to childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes. By simply avoiding these drinks, your child’s oral and overall health could dramatically improve.

If you want to “spice up” your little one’s water to make it more appealing, try adding fruit, such as strawberries and blueberries to give it a little more flavor. Some parents add a small amount of juice to their child’s water too.

For more tips to improve your child’s oral health…

Contact our friendly dental team at Smiles Dentistry for Kids in Overland Park! Dr. Matt and his team of hygienists are passionate about helping children avoid childhood tooth decay. That’s why we offer preventive dentistry methods that are safe and effective and focus on educating our patients and their parents in easy-to-understand language.

Join our family! Call (913) 685-9990 to schedule your child’s first visit.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Having healthy teeth and gums is more than just about having a beautiful smile, it’s about maintaining overall health and wellness. When we practice good oral hygiene, we reduce our risk of cavities, gum disease, halitosis, heart disease, diabetes, and various other health issues. For parents, oral hygiene takes on a whole new meaning when they realize how important it truly is for their children’s health and wellbeing.

Whether your little one is six months or six years old, developing and maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine is essential. We’ll help you do that in this blog and offer several oral health tips along the way.

Oral Hygiene 101: Brushing and Flossing

We all know that brushing and flossing are the two main components of a proper oral hygiene routine. Let’s make sure you and your child are doing these correctly.

Toothbrushing Tips

Even more important than the fact that a person brushes their teeth is how they brush. Children and adults should follow the rule of two: brush twice a day for two minutes each time. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush, use circular motions to clean the back, front, and top of each tooth. Then, brush the tongue and roof of the mouth.

Most children begin brushing on their own between six and eight years old but may still need supervision to ensure every tooth is receiving the proper care.

Flossing Tips

Flossing is a meticulous task that many adults dread. However, it is one of the most beneficial things a person can do for his or her oral health. Brushing only cleans the surfaces of the teeth, not between them where food, plaque, and tartar love to hide and wreak havoc on the oral microbiome.

If parents want their little ones to be avid flossers, they must lead by example.

Oral hygiene is more enjoyable for children when parents do it alongside them. So, grab some kid-friendly-flavored floss and start cleaning between those teeth!

We recommend flossing once a day, after the last meal of the day. To make flossing easier and more enjoyable, consider using floss picks, a water flosser, or interdental brushes. These alternative methods will motivate you and your child to floss regularly.

More Tips for a Healthy Mouth

Children achieve optimal oral health by practicing good oral hygiene which includes brushing and flossing and so much more. Here are a few more tips to help your child achieve a  healthy, beautiful smile:

  • Replace toothbrushes every three months, when the bristles fray, or after sickness
  • Avoid sugary drinks and snacks
  • Chew sugarless gum
  • Reduce starchy, sticky foods like bread, crackers, and chips
  • Offer healthy, mouth-friendly snacks
  • Schedule regular dental cleaning and exam appointments
  • Find an experienced and trusted pediatric dentist

 Our Children’s Dentist

When asked about why he chose the pediatric dental field, Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids answered:

“I love pediatric dentistry. Not everybody gets to do exactly what he or she wants for a career. I’m so lucky to have this unique opportunity to share my knowledge and skills with the community. Through education I hope that we can reduce the occurrence of dental decay in kids and do so in a super fun environment that doesn’t feel clinical. Children are amazing and working with such diverse personalities requires a lot of flexibility and a lot of energy. I truly feel that working with children is what I was meant to do and look forward to the many years to come.”

If you’re searching for a great pediatric dentist for your child in the Overland Park, KS area, look no further! Contact our friendly dental team today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule your child’s first visit.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Bi-annual dental check-ups are important for permanent teeth but not necessary for baby teeth, right? Wrong. Baby teeth, also called milk teeth, are essential for helping your child maintain a healthy mouth and body, learning how to speak, digestive health, and good self-esteem. Without proper care, baby teeth can fall out too soon, leaving children with a host of oral, physical, and mental health problems.

Children should begin regular dental visits by their first birthday and every six months after that. These appointments will provide the following immediate and long-lasting benefits for your little one:

1. Plaque- and tartar-free teeth

The key to avoiding cavities (or caries) is ridding the teeth of plaque and tartar. For children who are just learning how to brush and floss, this can be a difficult task. Cavities develop very slowly over time. So, having the teeth thoroughly cleaned every six months, in addition to twice-daily brushing, is one of the best defenses against the growth of dental caries.

During dental check-ups for children, a dental hygienist uses gentle techniques and tools to clean every surface of every tooth. A pediatric dentist may also recommend fluoride treatments or other preventive measures to ensure a child has the best chance of avoiding cavities.

2. Healthy gums

According to the American Academy of Periodontology, children are susceptible to three types of gum disease: chronic gingivitis, aggressive periodontitis, and generalized aggressive periodontitis. Chronic gingivitis is the most common type of periodontal disease in children. Symptoms of chronic gingivitis include:

  • Inflamed gums
  • Red gums
  • Bleeding while brushing or flossing
  • Bad breath

Gum disease develops when disease-causing bacteria from tartar along the gum line infiltrate the gingiva and attack the soft tissue. Regular dental visits are one of the best defenses against this disease.

3. Track teeth and jaw development

During a dental check-up, dentists keep track of the child’s teeth and jaw development to ensure they are growing properly. If not, he may refer the child to an orthodontist. Sometimes, early intervention can reduce a child’s need for orthodontics in the future. This also gives insight into what type of oral health problems the child may have in the future.

4. Provide oral health advice for kids and parents

Dental care tips and oral health advice are especially important for new parents but helpful for all. Children require different types of dental care for every stage of development. A pediatric dentist can walk with parents and their little ones through each of these stages, ensuring all of the child’s oral health needs are met!

5. Encourage a healthy relationship between your child and dentists

We all know at least one person who is afraid of the dentist. Many of these people can trace their dental fear back to a bad experience they had as a child. By choosing an experienced and compassionate pediatric dentist, parents set their children up for oral health success and ensure their child’s relationship with the dentist is a positive one.

Dental Check-ups at Smiles Dentistry for Kids

During dental check-ups with Dr. Matt and our team, children receive high-quality, gentle dental care. We strive to be informative and punctual, so your time is never wasted!

For children under 24 months, the first visit is short, simple, and free. To learn more about our practice, or to schedule an initial consultation, call (913) 685-9990 today.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Happy May! Spring flowers, warm weather, gardening, and baseball characterize this time of year. Each of those things is worth celebrating, but that’s not all that we look forward to in May. Mother’s Day and Memorial Day are coming up, and this year, you might just be able to get together with your family and friends in person.

However you decide to commemorate these holidays, we want to help you do it all while keeping your and your child’s oral health in mind. Along with a couple of brief history lessons, we’ll discuss four dental care tips for how to protect your child’s teeth and gums while still fully enjoying some of your favorite holiday foods.  

The History of Mother’s Day

Several women began their own Mother’s Day traditions, but it was Anna Jarvis who established it as a national holiday in 1914. President Woodrow Wilson signed the holiday into effect after years of persistence from Jarvis. Ironically, Jarvis herself wasn’t a mother but believed that motherhood should be honored.

By the 1920s, the holiday had been completely commercialized by card companies, merchandise stores, and florists. Jarvis despised the commercialization of the holiday that she created, so much so that she spent years lobbying the government to remove it from the calendar.

Although we don’t believe it must be a national holiday for us to celebrate our mothers, we are glad her efforts weren’t successful. This day gives all of us another opportunity to spoil the moms and mother figures in our lives!

Modern Mother’s Day Celebrations

Current Mother’s Day celebrations don’t look much different than in the early 1900s. Typically, families get together and go to church, go out to eat, or stay home. Wherever the celebration occurs, cards, candy, gifts, and flowers are usually involved.

Mother’s Day is a day to tell your mom or mother figure just how much she means to you through words, actions, and gifts. In some cases, this means cooking for her! Many people decide to cook a delicious lunch or dinner and bake a sweet treat. Others opt for pizza!

The History of Memorial Day

Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, became a federal holiday in 1971. However, celebrations began long before this, in the late 1860s. After the Civil War, townspeople would hold tributes to fallen soldiers by visiting and decorating gravesites.

Today, many cities organize parades, and families of fallen soldiers still visit the gravesites of their loved ones. Many people also visit cemeteries and memorials, bringing flowers and other items to leave on the graves.

Memorial Day also marks the beginning of summer. So much of the country spends this long weekend outside with family and friends. The smell of brisket, burgers, and hotdogs fill backyards and stomachs across the country.

Regardless of what your celebration looks like, take time to remember the fallen soldiers who have given their lives for our freedoms. Every May 31st, there is a national moment of remembrance at 3 p.m. local time.

Dental Care Tips

So, how can you enjoy these holidays without feeling guilty about your child’s oral health? Here are four helpful tips from our pediatric dentist (but these go for you, too, mom and dad!)

  1. Start the day off right: Brush with your child first thing in the morning and eat a healthy, nutritious breakfast that promotes good oral health, won’t get stuck between the teeth, and isn’t filled with sugar.
  2. Bring toothpicks or floss to the party: Sneak away to the bathroom after eating to clean between your child’s teeth to prevent bad breath and cavities.
  3. Drink plenty of water: Water promotes saliva production, which is necessary for a healthy oral microbiome. Additionally, the water will wash away any lingering foods from the teeth and gums. Limit or completely avoid sugary beverages like sweet tea and juice.
  4. Brush and floss before bed: Don’t forget to end the day with a good toothbrushing session! Make sure your little one uses a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste that strengthens dental enamel and helps fight against disease-causing bacteria. Then, floss those pearly whites again!

To learn more from our pediatric dentist, Dr. Matt, call (913) 685-9990 to schedule your child’s first visit.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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As parents, one of our top priorities is helping our children create healthy habits. This includes reading, exercising, drinking plenty of water, cleaning, and oral health care. Building these healthy habits isn’t an easy task, and sometimes seeking the help of a professional is necessary! As pediatric dental professionals, our goal is to walk alongside parents when it comes to teaching good oral hygiene.

In this blog, we offer tips for flossing, providing healthy snacks for your little one, and how to make oral hygiene fun so it no longer feels like a chore.

Flossing Tips for Kids

Brushing is one oral hygiene habit that most parents have mastered. Flossing is a bit of a different story. For starters, many adults don’t floss regularly or at all. Yikes! This is likely due to a lack of understanding of why flossing is important.

Dental floss allows us to clean parts of our teeth that brushes can’t. Toothbrushes remove plaque from every surface of the teeth except the small area between the teeth where food and plaque love to hide. This is why some people who brush consistently still develop gum disease.

To encourage your little one to floss, and to do it right, here are some tips:

  • Teach by example—show your little one how you floss every night!
  • Buy dental floss picks instead of traditional floss (it’s much easier to use)
  • Offer a reward for every week that your child flosses consistently
  • Let your little one choose a flavor or color of floss

Foods That Improve Oral Health

Unfortunately, brushing and flossing every day isn’t always enough to keep cavities away. Kids who eat and drink lots of sugar and starches are much more likely to suffer from dental decay. Therefore, parents should offer nutritious meals and snacks to help their littles maintain good oral and overall health.

Most fruits and veggies offer serious benefits to the mouth. Additionally, foods that are high in protein and calcium protect and rebuild dental enamel. Here are some of our favorite mouth-healthy snacks:

  • Greek yogurt
  • Almonds
  • Apples and almond butter
  • String cheese
  • Sweet potato chips
  • Pepper nachos
  • Fresh fruit smoothie
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Scrambled eggs with cheese

How to Make Oral Health Care Fun

Is it possible to make an oral hygiene routine fun? We think so!

One of the simplest ways to make brushing and flossing more enjoyable is to do it together. Grab a stool and invite your little one into your bathroom. To amp up the fun, play some music! (Just don’t get too carried away with the dance moves.)

BONUS TIP: If playing music, pick a two-minute song. This way, you will know when it’s time to stop brushing!

Other ways to make oral hygiene fun include:

  • Offer a reward
  • Play a fun video for him or her to watch
  • Take your child to the store to pick out his or her toothbrush and toothpaste

For more helpful tips, visit our dentist’s office today!

More Oral Health Tips from Our Overland Park Dentist

Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids is full of helpful knowledge for both new and experienced parents. Our team helps children of all ages achieve optimal oral health through exciting, preventive, and comprehensive dentistry.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Matt, call (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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This year, International Carrot Day falls on the day after Easter—a holiday famous for delicious, candy-filled eggs. We’re bringing some awareness to International Carrot Day to help you and your child fight against cavities in a fun way.

The sugars and starches that we usually indulge in on Easter should be enjoyed; it only comes once a year! But it’s important to counteract a day of indulgence with healthy eating habits that benefit our oral and overall health. Carrots are one food that does just that.

Continue reading to learn about the benefits of carrots, how to celebrate International Carrot Day, and some kid-friendly carrot soup recipe ideas.

Benefits of Carrots

Carrots are known for their bright orange color (though they do come in other colors), beautiful green leaves, and crunchy texture. These delicious vegetables also contain several nutrients that benefit our mouths and bodies. The greatest benefits of carrots include:

  • Improving eye health with beta-carotene reduces the risk of age-related diseases.
  • Beta-carotene, which helps produce vitamin A, also improves the body’s immune system.
  • Carrots contain carotenoids, such as retinol, biotin, and lycopene, which promote healthy, youthful skin.
  • All crunchy vegetables help clean the teeth naturally. In the process, the gums are also massaged.
  • The keratin and vitamin A in carrots strengthens dental enamel.
  • Fiber, beta-carotene, and vitamin A are important parts of an anti-inflammatory diet. This is good news for patients who suffer from gum disease (an inflammatory disease). Eat more carrots to stop the development of gum disease or fight it off.
  • Experts say that yellow, red, and orange vegetables improve heart health; so, eat plenty of them!

How to Celebrate International Carrot Day

You will probably come up with some creative ideas on your own, but here are some of our ideas for how to celebrate this holiday:

  1. Visit the grocery store or farmer’s market and pick out purple, orange, and white carrots to try at home. Eat them raw or prepared! Make this even more fun by blindfolding each other and trying to guess which carrot is which.
  2. Using the carrots you bought, plant some of your own. Check out this blog to learn how to propagate the carrots.
  3. Print out coloring pages of rabbits eating carrots for a short, creative activity.
  4. Read about the origin and history of carrots.
  5. Though you probably won’t reap the benefits of the carrots, and especially won’t be fighting against cavities, making a carrot cake together would be a fun activity. Here’s a popular recipe.

Fight Cavities with Soup

Soups are a great option for parents who want their children to eat healthier, and because so many soups contain carrots, they make a great dinner for International Carrot Day.

If you and your family love carrots, try a creamy roasted carrot soup or this Creamy Thai Carrot Soup with Basil (our mouths are watering).

For something a little less carrot-y, a simple vegetable soup, chicken noodle soup, or a hearty potato soup with carrots will do.

Fighting Cavities with Simple Oral Health Tips from Dr. Matt

At Smiles Dentistry 4 Kids, our goal is to make oral hygiene simple and practical. Dr. Matt believes that every child can obtain and maintain optimal oral health when their parents have the right tools and knowledge.

To schedule a first visit at our Overland Park pediatric dentist’s office, call (913) 685-9990 today.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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Here’s a fun fact for you: Mickey Mouse was the first known character to appear on a lunchbox in 1935. Since then, thousands of tv and movie characters have traveled to school cafeterias, workplaces, and so many other places with people who pack their lunches. Are you one of those people? Do you pack lunches for your child? If not, maybe today is the day you start!

One of the greatest benefits of packing lunch for your child is that you have more control over his or her diet. Kids need proper nutrients and vitamins to gain and maintain a healthy mouth and body. Many times, school lunches don’t provide those, or your child just may not choose to eat the healthier options.

On this National Pack Your Lunch Day, we’re offering healthy and delicious lunch ideas that your little one will love.

Foods That Promote Good Oral Health

As dental professionals, our hope is to see every child achieve optimal oral health. Good oral health does more than just help us avoid cavities and gum disease; it promotes good overall health as well! When we feed our children mouth-friendly foods, we’re also feeding them foods that contribute to a healthy body and mind.

When packing your child’s lunch, stick to these food groups:


Eating enough vegetables can be difficult for adults, so, understandably, it is even more difficult for children! Cooking the vegetables in different ways may help your little one find a few that he really enjoys. Seasonings and dips make a huge difference as well!

Here are some of the best vegetables for oral health:

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Green and red peppers
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Broccoli


Fruit makes packing lunches fast and simple. Every type of fruit offers several overall health benefits, but some benefit our mouths more than others. To promote a healthy, beautiful smile, pack these fruits at least twice a week:

  • Strawberries
  • Oranges
  • Pears
  • Watermelon
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blackberries


Most protein-rich foods also contain phosphorous. These are doubly beneficial because they both help protect and regrow dental enamel. You can find both of these nutrients in chicken, red meat, fish, and eggs.

Other high-protein snacks for kids include:

  • Pepperoni
  • Beef jerky
  • Sliced turkey and ham
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Hummus
  • Roasted chickpeas


Dairy products contain a large amount of calcium which promotes strong, healthy teeth. Milk also creates a protective layer that keeps disease-causing bacteria from attacking teeth and gums. If you’re able to keep it cold until lunch, milk is a beneficial and filling beverage to go with their meal!

Here are a few more calcium-rich foods we think your child will love:

  • Almonds
  • String cheese
  • Fortified orange juice
  • Greek yogurt
  • Cottage cheese
  • Almond butter

Lunch Box Ideas

Here are some mouth-healthy lunches we think your little one will love:

  • Meat and cheese roll-ups, strawberry-yogurt parfait, and roasted carrots
  • Spinach and cheese quesadilla, an orange, and a hard-boiled egg
  • Chicken salad over spinach, string cheese, and watermelon
  • Pepperonis, cubed cheese, blueberries, and celery with almond butter
  • Beef jerky, string cheese, pears, and broccoli with ranch dip

The possibilities are endless!

More Oral Health Tips from Our Pediatric Dentist

Looking for an experienced and caring pediatric dentist in Overland Park? Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids is that and so much more! Contact our friendly dental team today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule your child’s first visit.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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A healthy, happy child—it’s what we all desire for our kids, right? Many times, health and happiness are intertwined. This is especially true when it comes to oral health.

When a child’s mouth health declines, their smile usually fades away as well. Our pediatric dental team aims to help parents help their children achieve and maintain optimal oral health through preventive treatments.

Some of the most common preventive treatments for children include:

  • Dental cleanings
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Dental sealants
  • Space maintainers
  • Mouthguards

Of course, there are so many things parents can do at home to give their child the best chance at a healthy smile. Creating a consistent oral hygiene routine, offering healthy meals and snacks, and ensuring their child drinks plenty of water.

Here are three reasons why preventive dentistry is so important for children:

1. Better overall health

The link between oral and overall health is extremely evident. When our mouths aren’t healthy, our body suffers and vice versa.

For example, children who experience early tooth loss because of poor oral hygiene often suffer from poor nutrition which can affect their ability to function well at home and school. Cavities and gum disease are caused by disease-causing bacteria that the body must fight against. This bacterium can cause inflammation all throughout the body, including the brain. Gum disease has also been connected to pancreatic and kidney diseases.

Teaching your little one proper oral hygiene techniques and bringing him to the dentist every six months doesn’t just ensure he avoids smelly breath and cavities, it also attributes to a healthier body and mind. That’s an investment worth making!

2. Proper dental and oral development

When a child experiences early tooth loss, the adjacent teeth will likely shift into the open space, causing serious alignment issues. These children will need braces in the future to correct the problem. Unfortunately, alignment problems can also lead to cavities and gum disease because of an inability to thoroughly clean the teeth.

As far as oral development goes, children with an unhealthy mouth or who have missing teeth may struggle to pronounce certain words and sounds. Children don’t typically begin to lose their primary (or baby) teeth until six years old, so their permanent teeth won’t be ready to erupt until then as well.

3. Good self-esteem

Something as small as persistent bad breath can negatively affect a child’s self-esteem and mental health. On the other hand, a healthy smile can add to a confident, happy, and self-assured life.

As an adult, it isn’t hard to imagine what it would be like to live with an incomplete or imperfect smile. Low self-confidence can make our social lives nearly nonexistent, hinder our job prospects, and negatively affect our overall happiness and success.

The impact is the same for children, except instead of work, it’s school. Children with good self-esteem are more likely to do well in school, try new things, and lead a more fulfilling life. Preventive dentistry helps get them there! 

Preventive Dentistry for Kids in Overland Park

The first step towards helping your child achieve optimal oral health is to find an experienced and compassionate pediatric dentist. Dr. Matt at Smiles Dentistry for Kids is living his dream of helping children gain and maintain healthy smiles. We are conveniently located and excited to serve your family!

Call our office today at (913) 685-9990 to schedule an appointment.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and we want to ensure your new year begins just as wonderfully. As pediatric dental professionals, kids’ dental health is our top priority, especially during Christmastime.

In this blog, we’ll discuss 12 tips for a healthy mouth during the holidays and beyond! While these may be pointed toward your child, we encourage adults to abide by these guidelines as well.

1.    Brush more often

Although brushing in the morning and evening may be enough, brushing one more time in the afternoon couldn’t hurt! During Christmastime, sweets tend to be more readily available to children at home and at school, so try to encourage your little one to brush after lunch or as soon as he gets home. The longer sugar stays on teeth, the more damage it does!

2.    Brush the right way

Did you know there is a right way to brush your teeth? If you don’t, your child probably doesn’t either! While this probably isn’t something learned in school, a pediatric dentist is always happy to explain the rules. Here’s how you and your little one should be brushing your teeth:

  • Place a small, pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste on a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Using small, circular motions to brush the front, back, and chewing surfaces of every tooth
  • Do this for two minutes
  • Brush your tongue
  • Brush the roof of your mouth
  • Rinse and spit

3.    Floss every day

We cannot stress the importance of flossing enough. How else will the sides of the teeth get cleaned? Children should begin flossing as soon as they have two teeth that touch. We recommend flossing in the evening, after the last meal.

4.    Drink lots of water

Winter calls for holiday coffee drinks, apple cider, and hot chocolate, but don’t forget to drink water throughout the day as well! Water helps clean food and debris from the teeth and promotes saliva production, which is essential for a healthy, balanced mouth.

5.    Limit sweets

Sugar is one of the main causes of cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. Check out the next two tips for ideas on how to limit sweets during the holidays!

6.    Offer healthy snacks

When trying to think of healthy snacks for your little one, stick to these four categories: fruit, veggies, protein, and dairy. For specific ideas, check out this blog.

7.    Make healthier treats together!

Cooking together is a Christmas tradition in many families. Why not make healthier treats that you and your little one can enjoy without the guilt? Here are some of our favorite ideas:

  • Rudolph celery snacks using celery, peanut butter, pretzels, fresh cranberries, and candy eyes
  • Kiwi Christmas trees made from kiwi slices with the skin as the trunk (get creative with the star!)
  • Strawberry and banana “candy” canes
  • Banana snowmen with sliced bananas, raisins or dark chocolate chips for buttons and eyes, and a sliced strawberry for the hat

The internet is full of healthy Christmas treat ideas that are simple and fun!

8.    Reduce starches

Mashed potatoes, rolls, and pasta dishes often fill the dinner table at Christmas. Unfortunately, these can lead to cavities just as much as sugary foods do. We certainly don’t expect you to keep your little one completely away from these dishes but adding more veggies than starches to her plate is a small thing that could have a big impact.

9.    Upgrade teeth-cleaning tools

Christmas is the perfect time to gift your child with a new toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash! He might not be so excited to unwrap these, but they make great stocking stuffers!

10. Pack all the supplies when traveling

If your family is traveling for Christmas, make sure to pack everything your little one needs to maintain a healthy mouth.

11. Be cautious around ice!

This time of year, ice is everywhere which means there’s more opportunity for a dental emergency. Make sure your little one is being cautious around ice and snow and always have your pediatric dentist’s number on hand!

12. Schedule a dental cleaning and exam

One of the best ways to start the new year is with a clean, beautiful smile. Children should begin visiting the dentist as soon as their first tooth erupts and every six months after that.

To ensure your child maintains a healthy mouth year-round, don’t forget to schedule his or her dental cleaning and exam.

Contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids Today

Our team at Smiles Dentistry for Kids is happy to serve the families of Overland Park, KS. To schedule your child’s dental cleaning and exam with Dr. Matt, call (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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For children, oral hygiene begins as soon as their first tooth erupts, so usually around six months old. The thought of brushing one tiny tooth may seem silly, but taking care of that little tooth is just as important as if he or she had a whole mouth full of teeth!

All parents want their children to grow up to be healthy and happy. That’s why we take them to doctor’s visits, provide nutritious foods, and ensure they’re getting enough exercise. Taking your little one to dental exams and cleanings every six months is just one more way to ensure he is as healthy as can be.

Are baby teeth important?

Your little one’s teeth are just as important to her as yours are to you. Take a minute to think about what your life would be like without healthy, functioning teeth. Chewing and speaking would certainly be more difficult, and you’d probably struggle with insecurity. The same is true for your child! Without them, she can’t chew or speak properly, therefore, we do all we can to preserve them!

This means reducing the risk of cavities, baby bottle tooth decay, and tooth loss (until the proper time). When a baby tooth falls out too soon, there may not be room for the permanent tooth to emerge which could lead to dental misalignment and crowding. One of the best ways to interfere with these dental issues is to bring your child to the dentist two times a year.

What happens during kids’ dental exams and cleanings?

For children three and under, these appointments look much different than regular cleanings and exams. The pediatric dentist will examine your little one’s mouth and may do a fluoride treatment. During the exam, the dentist will make sure all of his baby teeth are developing properly and that the teeth and gums are healthy.

For older children, the pediatric dentist or dental hygienist will perform a regular dental cleaning when necessary.

One of the most important parts of these visits is that you (the parent) will learn about proper oral hygiene for your child. This includes:

  • Proper brushing and flossing techniques
  • How to clean the gums after feeding
  • Types of toothpaste
  • Thumb and pacifier habits
  • Baby bottle tooth decay
  • Cavity prevention
  • Nutrition

These topics are ones that most parents never really think about until it’s too late. Our goal as pediatric dental professionals is to set your little one up for a life of good oral health!

What are the benefits of bringing my child to the dentist regularly?

Aside from being a steppingstone to optimal oral health, regular visits to the dentist offer these benefits to children:

  1. A positive perception of dentists: Many children grow up hearing about how horrible dental appointments are. When they have first-hand experience, they are much less likely to believe that. Our pediatric dentist works hard to ensure every little patient of ours loves his or her time at our dental practice.
  2. Promotes good habits: When you prioritize oral health for your child, she will likely do the same when she’s older!
  3. Provides oral health records: In an emergency, it is so important to have health records on hand. This way, the experts can spend their time on the issue at hand, not trying to catch up on the patient’s history.

Dental Cleanings and Exams for Kids in Overland Park

It’s never too late to bring your child to the dentist for the first time. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we’re happy to provide fun, compassionate, and personalized dental care for kids of all ages. To schedule a first visit with Dr. Matt, call us today at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

14700 Metcalf Ave, Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66223
(913) 685-9990
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm

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